We previously reported how Daniel Mael, a student reporter at Brandeis University in Massachusetts, was being threatened and attacked for reporting on anti-police tweets by a student leader, Student Reporter under Attack at Brandeis Univ. for Reporting On anti-Police Tweets.
The student, Khadijah Lynch, was interviewed by The Boston Globe, and stands by her tweets, Brandeis student stands by comments on slain NY officers:
A Brandeis University junior who caused an uproar on campus for tweeting that she had “no sympathy” for two New York police officers slain in an ambush is standing by her widely shared comments.But the student, Khadijah Lynch, told the Globe on Wednesday that she feels her messages on social media were taken out of context.In defending the statements, Lynch said they reflected raw anger and frustration following the fatal shooting of a 12-year-old black boy by a police officer in Cleveland and grand jury decisions in Missouri and New York to not indict white police officers in the deaths of unarmed black men.In that light, “it was hard for me to conjure sympathy for those police officers” shot to death in New York, she said.But, she added in a telephone interview, “Not having sympathy is not that same as rejoicing or saying that they deserved to die. I think all human life is valuable; I’m not a violent person; and I don’t condone violence. I was very sympathetic for the families.”
The President of Brandeis issued a statement supporting Mael’s right to report, but Mael has come under a firestorm of backlash from progressive students on campus. That backlash includes threats not only to Mael, but harassment of his family, as Mael explained on Fox and Friends this morning: