.@afbranco’s Pen v. the Sword – #JeSuisCharlie

Our own A.F. Branco was highlighted in a FoxNews.com story about how cartoonists are reacting to the murders as Charlie Lebdo, Pen vs. sword: Cartoonists unite against Islamist terror:

Cartoonists around the world rallied Thursday behind fellow artists killed in a terror attack in Paris because of their satirical drawings mocking Islam’s Prophet Muhammad….But cartoonists pointed out that Charlie Hebdo’s mission was pushing boundaries and exposing hypocrisy, and the publication ran images deemed offensive by Christians and Jews, as well.“We all feel very badly for the cartoonists over there,” said syndicated political cartoonist Antonio Branco. “I think there’s been a climate set up in the West that has facilitated this kind of behavior – with the politically correct climate set up by our leaders. It’s time for the West to wake up to this kind of thing and stop appeasing radical Islam.”Cartoonists, including Branco, fought back in the only way they knew, venting their emotions through their work….

Here is the link to the original Branco cartoon.

Heres another one from the FoxNews.com article, by Francis Olea:

Tags: A.F. Branco, Charlie Hebdo, Fox News