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Guess what Ted Cruz got his Secret Santa for Christmas

Guess what Ted Cruz got his Secret Santa for Christmas

Bipartisan Secret Santas are the best Secret Santas

The holidays are a time to set aside differences—even in Washington. TMZ recently caught up with Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and asked him how the Senate celebrates Christmas.

TMZ: Senator Cruz, with the holiday approaching, you guys ever change parties and set out gifts or anything like that to President Obama or anybody?

Cruz: Well, we actually had Secret Santa in the Senate yesterday where a number of Senators participate in a bipartisan way and we give gifts to each other as a secret santa and it’s bipartisan, so I was part of that yesterday.

TMZ: Great gifts?

Cruz: There’s a limit of fifteen bucks. Politicians are inherently cheap so no one can spend more than fifteen bucks.

What did Senator Cruz get for his Secret Santa? Take a look:

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I thought the headline was a metaphor to explain the omnibus budget proposal. Fifteen dollar limit? Hardly.

    n.n in reply to n.n. | December 11, 2014 at 2:10 pm

    Still, I welcome the budget, a budget, rather than the liberal profligacy of the last six years. A dollar is a dollar is a dollar, and a trillion dollars has a disparate impact on my dollar and labor.

My sound card is not working – but if he had Lieawatha as a secret Santa partner, I’d give a cheap bottle of firewater.

Politicians aren’t “inherently cheap” when they’re spending OUR money, only when they’re spending their own.

Cruz is being a transparent Santa! He the man.

Politicians hate spending their own money.

    bls46 in reply to Sanddog. | December 12, 2014 at 12:04 pm

    So agree…..Politicians are only ‘cheap’ when using their own money. They are quite profligate when using ‘free money’….that is……money that comes from us as taxpayers !