White House – Illegal Immigrants Entitled to Social Security and Medicare

According to a new report from FOX News, illegal immigrants who fit certain criteria set forth by Obama last week will be eligible for taxpayer funded programs:

Illegal immigrants to be eligible for Social Security, MedicareIllegal immigrants who apply for work permits in the U.S. under President Obama’s new executive actions will be eligible for Social Security and Medicare, the White House says.Under the sweeping actions, immigrants who are spared deportation could obtain work permits and a Social Security number, which would allow them to pay into the Social Security system through payroll taxes.No such “lawfully present” immigrant, however, would be immediately entitled to the benefits because like all Social Security and Medicare recipients they would have to work 10 years to become eligible for retirement payments and health care. To remain qualified, either Congress or future administrations would have to extend Obama’s actions so that those immigrants would still be considered lawfully present in the country.

As Instapundit says, who could have seen this coming?

David Gergen of CNN is no conservative but even he sees the potential for disaster in the president’s immigration plan:

Obama’s dangerous move on immigrationThere is something deeply troubling about President Obama’s decision to grant legal safe haven to unauthorized immigrants by executive order.It isn’t the underlying policy that is troubling. Just the opposite. We have known for years that we would never deport some 11 million people from our midst. Many have become hard-working, productive members of our society, and Congress, working with the White House, should long ago have provided them a safe pathway out of the shadows…For a president to toss aside such deep traditions of governance is a radical, imprudent step. When a president in day-to-day operations can decide which laws to enforce and which to ignore, where are the limits on his power? Where are the checks and balances so carefully constructed in the Constitution?If a Democratic president can cancel existing laws on immigration, what is to prevent the next Republican from unilaterally canceling laws on health care?

Indeed. For that matter, what’s to stop the next Republican president from doing any number of things Democrats will detest based on the precedents Obama has set?

Tags: Barack Obama, Immigration