Elizabeth Warren Interrupted by Native American Chant After Keystone Vote
Pure. Comedy. Gold.
Just after the Keystone vote failed in the senate yesterday, Elizabeth Warren was loudly interrupted by a Native American chant from the gallery.
You might think this was done by a snarky activist but according to Andrew Kirell of Mediaite, the chant was done by a genuine Native American:
Native American Chant Interrupts Senate as Keystone Vote Fails
Seconds after Sen. Elizabeth Warren announced that the “aye” votes approving Keystone XL project fell just short of the 60 vote threshold, a Native American chant broke out in the gallery, celebrating the Senate’s rejection of the controversial crude oil pipeline.
The man who began the chant reportedly came from the Lakota tribe:
Tribal spokesman says man who started chanting is Greg Graycloud with the Lakota Tribe in South Dakota. #KeystoneXL
— Ed O'Keefe (@edatpost) November 18, 2014
Watch the video:
This incident points to a problem Elizabeth Warren is going to have if she ever runs for president.
It may have been a real Native American who interrupted her with a chant this time, but I wouldn’t put it past her critics to do the same thing in the future.
Her claims of Native American heritage are laughable.
They may have passed muster at Harvard and with liberal voters in Massachusetts, but they won’t pass the smell test on a national level.
If she runs, she will be mocked.
Featured image via Mediaite video.
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The incident reminded me of Bart’s greeting in Bart to the Future, BABF13,
Although they seem strange to us.
we must respect the ways of the Indian.
[ Bart, Chanting ] Hi.
how are ya? Hi.
how are ya? Hi.
how are ya? Hi.
how are ya? [ Groans ] I gotta get in that casino.
Granny Warren has brought all of this on herself. Her career is nothing if not built on falsehoods.
Think of the monumental self-control exerted by this brave (HEH!) woman in the face of the primal ancestral call of all those Indian DNAs running ’round in thar to join in a full-throated rendition of Janette MacDonald’s “Indian Love Call”, right there on the podium.
I’m in awe.
Poor Elizabeth just about had smoke signals coming out her ears! 😉
I saw some but……they weren’t out of her ear………..
I certainly was music to my ears!
Of course Fauxcahontas understood every word of that chant…you can tell by her cheekbones.
What does she hold in her right hand? Is that a one-hitter?
Why that is an original Cherokee tomahawk – made in China.
If she runs, she will be mocked.
But will she be stopped?
Look at the two leading choices the Dems had in 2008 and then tell me that Sen. Warren has no chance of winning in 2016.
“If she runs, she will be mocked.”
Not by all. I’m for her, as I am for Bernie Sanders. Someone who literally speaks for and on behalf of the people.
All you legal buffs: to date, not one, NOT ONE perpetrator of the housing (and wall street) collapse that nearly took us over the falls and dangerously titled banking systems around the world has seen a day in court. NOT ONE.
And, all you constitutional buffs: where is your “out cry” for all the new Jim Crow legislation being passed and acted on in red states, blocking and disinfranchising voters.
And all you smaller government buffs, complaining by all the power and restrictions and controls the fed has, while not complaining about all the lopsided money poured into states and elections on behalf of big corporations.
Or you climate deniers. Climate change is already here (ask people in the great lakes areas), who in congress stands up for alternative energy and our country’s need to change course?
Elizabeth Warren (among a few). So, she doesn’t look Native American to you. So what. So she is “interrupted” by a celebration for pipeline vote being flushed down the toilet.
A lot of us out hear PREFER Elizabeth to Hillary, hands down.
“All you legal buffs: to date, not one, NOT ONE perpetrator of the housing (and wall street) collapse that nearly took us over the falls and dangerously titled banking systems around the world has seen a day in court. NOT ONE.”
Well, I kinda agree with you here. I think we should start with Ball-less Bill Clinton, Janet “Big Foot” Reno, Bwarny Fwank, and Chris Dodd, with Paul “Kwazy Enron” Krugman thrown in. We can work down in terms of causation from there.
But Princess Running Bare Warren is the LAST person to go after Wall Street. Though she does have idiots like you totally flummoxed about who and what she is.
Now, be gone, you poor moronic troll.
Don’t forget to include the executives of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Democrats all. It was the trifecta of the Clinton administration, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac & Wall Street (exploiting the government-created weaknesses in the mortgage finance system) that took the housing bubble to the big bang of 2008.
Oh, of course! I just wanted to start with the racid fat that floated to the surface of the putrefaction.
There are layers and layers…and oddly enough…they are MOSTLY populated by Deemocrats/Collectivists.
One of the funniest things…? Pres. ScamWOW has done his best to re-inflate the housing bubble SINCE its collapse. He’s ALSO caused the inflation of a STUDENT DEBT bubble, along with the stock valuation bubble.
Anyone’s guess as to which will burst first, and how bad it will hurt.
Notice something here: Ginny Mae was never implicated in any problems itself. Yet Ginny Mae is the mother of all these government mortgage programs. Why? What’s the difference in Ginny Mae and Fanniemae/Freddy Mac?
Not to mention Jamie Gorelick, who worked at Fannie Mae, then helped create a wall between the CIA and FBI, and sat on the 911 Commission when she should have been sitting in front of it in an orange jumpsuit.
All the while making $millions.
Methinks that Mr. Olson done be Gruberized…
“A lot of us out hear PREFER Elizabeth to Hillary, hands down.”
And I PREFER a root canal to a colonoscopy. What’s your point?
“And I PREFER a root canal to a colonoscopy. What’s your point?”
Good one there. Of course the pair, chief knockawarren & clintoon, are similar to a colonoscopy. Hard to say which one is the root canal…
If you blindly support Lizzie you will be mocked. Educate yourself:
” Climate change is already here (ask people in the great lakes areas)”
Are you claiming Global Warming or Global Cooling? Lake Superior ice didn’t melt until July this summer, and now the lake is freezing much earlier than normal.
Unless, of course, you are no claiming that Global Warming is cooling. It’s nice and convenient when you can have both sides of an argument.
…”now” claiming…
Hence my term “Gorebal Climate Whatever”.
See, it brilliantly sweeps in ALL POSSIBLE thingies. Just like the druids of the Collectivist religion of environmentalism do.
LoL. You said druids again.
Or as I put it, Rags, “Gore Ball Warming.”
You say “chakra”, I say “chickra”…
Let’s call the whole thing off…
Climate change is already here
Unfortunately for the socialist agenda, it’s not Global Warming. The “warming” part is essential for the hysteria about greenhouse gasses, which is in turn essential for the push to exert government control over everything which burns or breathes. No warming? Oops, then no problem with carbon dioxide, and so no justification for a crushing burden of regulation. Too bad …
Who know God had such a wicked sense of vengeance – snark snark.
Just wait until the US legalizes pedophilia.
Then we really will see God’s sense of humor.
Someone who literally speaks for and on behalf of the people.
The far-left people you mean, and that’s a sniveling little minority when it comes to counting votes. As we just saw on November 4th.
Like Jonathan Gruber, Senator Warren has stealth motives. Unlike him, she hasn’t got the honesty to state them.
She is eminently mockable.
I couldn’t hear clearly what the protesters were saying, though. Several Sioux tribes have gone on record as opposing the pipeline. And a such a chant may well have been one of [temporary] victory.
“All you legal buffs: to date, not one, NOT ONE perpetrator of the housing (and wall street) collapse that nearly took us over the falls and dangerously titled banking systems around the world has seen a day in court. NOT ONE.”
Which party does Elizabeth Warren belong to? Which party has controlled at least the White House and Senate for the past six years, and the House as well for two of those years? And the Democrat Party did exactly what to prosecute housing/Wall Street players? Nothing, nada. Zilch. There is the proper target for your….. well, it’s ignorance, not anger, that powers you, so…
“And, all you constitutional buffs: where is your “out cry” for all the new Jim Crow legislation being passed and acted on in red states, blocking and disinfranchising voters.”
First, it’s ‘outcry’ and ‘disenfranchising’. There is no outcry because we support what only you consider to be Jim Crow laws. Red states simply want to make sure that only those who actually hold the right to vote in the given state actually vote. Only those not eligible to vote are blocked or disenfranchised. Anyone too lazy to go get the same picture ID required for virtually everything else in government and private business has blocked and disenfranchised himself. Of course, you are ignorant of the actual numbers of who voted in 2014 despite these horrible horrible new ID requirements. Did the numbers go up or down, Dean? It is obvious you don’t know.
“And all you smaller government buffs, complaining by all the power and restrictions and controls the fed has, while not complaining about all the lopsided money poured into states and elections on behalf of big corporations.”
The Supreme Court says donating money to campaigns is free speech not to be abridged per the Constitution. Take your argument up with them. Oh, that’s right. Your side did. And lost.
“Or you climate deniers. Climate change is already here (ask people in the great lakes areas)”
Great Lakes areas? You mean like Buffalo NY, with 6’ of snow in mid-November? AGW is horseshit, through and through. Other people are not responsible for your having fallen for all the fake data, reports, and claims. 18-plus years now with no rise on global temperature. It’s just a political hobby horse.
“who in congress stands up for alternative energy and our country’s need to change course?”
Boatloads of Dems do. And they make sure federal contracts and grants go only to political cronies, most of whom squander the money and produce nothing of value. Look up the Stimulous bill and Solyndra as a way to assuage your gross ignorance on these things.
“Elizabeth Warren (among a few).”
And she has accomplished what exactly? Or does just ‘standing up’ and talking populist bullshit suffice for you?
“So, she doesn’t look Native American to you. So what.”
Well, she claims to be, specifically Cherokee, and has accepted highly lucrative jobs and postings based on her being Native American. But she’s not. Members of her own family say so. There is zero evidence for it. This speaks to a lack of honesty and poor character, as well as a willingness to claim for herself positions that rightfully belonged to others. She’s a lying thief, in other words. That’s so what.
“So she is “interrupted” by a celebration for pipeline vote being flushed down the toilet.”
Oh, the irony. She was interrupted by a member of the Lakota tribe. That would be a Native American tribe, Dean.
Dean, we are more than willing to engage you in a battle of wits, but first you’re going to have to arm yourself. One could fill a million doughnut holes with the nothingness wafting around your empty head. Reciting party talking points is not an argument.
LoL. Arm yourself? Like Rush’s “half my brain tied behind my back” line?
Face the truth, Henry – just like rape isn’t about sex, this isn’t about truth. It’s about look-at-me playing in the adult playroom. IOW, getting attention beats being ignored.
So let’s just ignore the basement dweller.
Facts can not be the antidote to the amount of Kool-Ade which Dean has consumed. It really requires a total detox program. The next two years with Obama at the helm might do the trick.
So how about those Cleveland Indians? What say they?
I’m wondering if we should even bother correcting delusional liberals. If your enemy is eating time energy and resources fighting phantasms of his own creation, why stop him?
In fact, I’m going to start feeding them more bs. “Yes, AGW is fact and you should double down on it. Yes, gun control is a great idea and you should make that the center-piece of your party platform. Yes unicorns are real, now go out and chase them.”
I posted a comment in another thread on the difficulty in persuading what skeptics call ‘true believers’, as in UFOs, aliens, bigfoot, etc., but it can also apply to true believers in political ideologies. Whereas the political beliefs of most people are well-reasoned and debatable, and most importantly – adjustable when new facts demand it – the ‘true believer’ works the formula backwards. He starts with the goal which is chosen more for emotional reasons.. or needs.. and then packs carefully selected ‘facts’ together, screening out any that conflict, typically by shooting the messenger via ad hominem or blind acceptance of ‘facts’ offered by like-minded authoritative voices (appeal to authority).
Thus constructed, their beliefs are impervious to anything that contradicts what they believe. Whatever evidence that is, it is rejected as wrong if it undermines belief, ipso facto. The number one symptom, if you will, of true believerism of the blind type is that believer’s complete lack of insight into the possibility it exists.
People who develop beliefs normatively require those beliefs to withstand logical scrutiny and to stand in harmony with the current set of available facts it the pertinent areas. There should be no cognitive dissonance underlying our beliefs. This is why we are enjoying the current stream of angsty sturm und drang from the left as their chainmail of denial concerning the paucity of value to their political beliefs is pierced by the Fall of the Obaman Empire.
Beliefs are incredibly important, more than people understand or realize. They are essential to survival and always have been. Get the process wrong (beliefs need to be productive, they need to work in practice) and you’ll suffer in direct portion to the magnitude of the errant belief.
Recommended book (in case I have fellow nerds reading):
Why We Believe Weird Things – Michael Shermer
“If she runs, she will be mocked.”
She doesn’t care. Progs have no shame.
It was Running Bear calling out to Little White Dove for a date.
No way running bear wants a date with that fauxsquaw.
Being mocked can be an asset, depending on who’s doing the mocking.
“If she runs, she will be mocked”
She was mocked the first time, and she went on to win.
How can those who present mockery as the way to win elections be trusted to govern? If a candidate can get elected by mocking his opponent and wearing a chicken suit, is that going to fly when he’s dealing with Putin?
Please put childish things aside. If you want to oppose Warren effectively, ask her tough policy questions, esp. about her immig. stance. That alone shows she’s fake, but it shows she’s fake about something that actually matters to most people.
How about we just mock you instead?
She won in a corrupt and morally bankrupt state. A bit different when she has to get votes from other places. Mock her, she deserves to be mocked.
Important we hold to objective external standards.
Warren, claiming 1/64th Native American heritage, would NOT be so classified under the Nuremberg Laws of 1935.
This is NOT a case of Godwin’s law.
It is quite fair for us to apply the worst rule of prominent racists as a standard to define victim status.
IF even the Nazis would not hate you, then shut up.
I will pay…along with anyone who cares to join me…for a genotyping profile on Princess Running Bare.
My bet is that she’s a lot more Viking than any PART Indian.
C’mon, hunny, put up a drop of blood or a smear from your lying gob.
That was hilarious.
This is just the beginning of a lot of coming humiliation for Fauxcahontas.