Conservative student reporter attacked at Ithaca #Ferguson protest

Casey Breznick is the Editor in Chief of The Cornell Review, the conservative Cornell undergraduate journal and its blog, The Cornell Insider. Casey also writes for Legal Insurrection and previously College Insurrection.

Casey has done a lot of great reporting for the Review on political events, such as the Martha Robertson campaign, “Rape Culture” protests, and also on the anti-Israel Students for Justice in Palestine protest at Ho Plaza on Cornell’s campus on November 19, 2014.

That Ho Plaza incident also has been reported at Legal Insurrection, based in part on Casey’s work for the Review blog:

On Tuesday night, November 25, Casey covered for the Review the Ithaca community vigil regarding the Michael Brown case. The vigil quickly turned into a street protest in which roads were blocked in downtown Ithaca and cars were trapped, leading to police intervention.

In the Cornell Insider post about the protest, Casey recounts how two of the non-students involved in the SJP Cornell protest spotted him and tried to get him to stop filming.  One of them, kat yang-stevens, pushed her sign into Casey.

Here is Casey’s video:

(language warning)

There also was excellent coverage of the Ithaca Ferguson protest event at The Ithaca Voice website, How did calm candlelight vigil in Ithaca erupt into major disruptive protest?:

(language warning)

Tags: BDS, Cornell, Ferguson, SJP