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Still searching for Alison Grimes supporter who believes she’s not anti-coal

Still searching for Alison Grimes supporter who believes she’s not anti-coal

Why won’t Grimes just come out and say it?

James O’Keefe and the crew at Veritas Action Fund are in search of a supporter of Alison Grimes supporter who actually believes her campaign position that she’s not anti-coal industry.

The other day O’Keefe released a video in which various assorted Democratic operatives and Grimes supporters used the “L” word in describing her position.

Today O’Keefe has released another video in which a financial backer using the “F” word as to what Grimes will do to the coal industry if elected.

Language Warning

Here’s a partial transcript posted by O’Keefe:


PV: And you think Alison will help us get rid of coal?

Niko Elmaleh: Absolutely.

PV: Yes? But she doesn’t say it.

Niko Elmaleh: It’s not about talking.

PV: She’s got to get elected.

Niko Elmaleh: It’s about doing it.

PV: It’s not about talking about it. It’s about doing it.

Niko Elmaleh: Hey, you want to talk about it or you want to do it?

PV: Do it.

VO: This Grimes campaign insider has no doubts about who the real Allison Grimes is and what she believes.

PV: So you know that Alison will help us stop coal?

Niko Elmaleh: Come on Dude. What do you think?

PV: I think yes, but I haven’t heard it straight up.

Niko Elmaleh: She can’t say it straight up.

PV: She supports big coal.

Niko Elmaleh: No. She’s going to fuck ‘em as soon as she gets elected.

PV: Really?

Niko Elmaleh: Yeah. Take my word for it. Here. Take my word for it.

Niko Elmaleh: She’s going to have to do what she has to do to get elected and then she’s going to fuck them.

Niko Elmaleh: Okay trust me. She’s a killer.

VO: This is just one of our investigations looking at the upcoming election. Project Veritas will leave no stone unturned…no matter how nasty a creature we uncover by doing so.

PV: She supports big coal.

Niko Elmaleh: No. She’s going to fuck ‘em as soon as she gets elected.


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“No. She’s going to fuck ‘em as soon as she gets elected.”

So. In the Obama mold, then?

Actually, it is just the SOP for Collectivists.

Henry Hawkins | October 7, 2014 at 3:06 pm

“If you like your plan…….”

C’mon, McConnell, new ad time!

Yesterdays release was enlightening…but todays release is brutal!

It’s always good to expose hypocrisy, but I doubt many of the potential Grimes supporters really think she is some independent Democrat who can stand up to Reid, Obama, and the wealthy environmentalists who are out to destroy not only the coal industry but all fossil fuel use as soon as they can manage it.

Those who do are just hopelessly stupid and probably won’t be convinced by the video.

– –

If she does manage to win, it will be more due to the effect of the lunatic fringe who claim “McConnell is the same as Reid” and other utter nonsense. They may convince some marginal voters to stay home.

Ah, some low level Dem county officials, and a field organizer. But where are Ms. Grimes or any of her actual campaign staff saying these things? Oh, nowhere. Because it totally makes sense that Ms. Grimes wants to decimate one of her state’s biggest industries. Maybe it’s accurate that some of her supporters want or believe she will do this.

This reeks of desperation. The Sex Boat captain knows that Tealiban hero, Mitch McConnell isn’t as much of a lock as the conservative beltway media would have us believe. Especially in light of new polling.

    Ragspierre in reply to Tex Detroit. | October 8, 2014 at 1:03 pm

    Denial is a river that runs between your ears, liar.

    We all know that Collectivist generally HAVE to lie to have any hope of election.

    See Obama, Barracula.

    But there is no lie you will not sponsor, and nothing you will not slurp up that they shoot in your gaping gob.

      Tex Detroit in reply to Ragspierre. | October 8, 2014 at 1:18 pm

      Here comes the Clownselor! With his trademark “everybody knows” and ad hominem fallacies (forms of lying). Is this really the best analysis your collective has to offer? Anyone else with wits beyond that of a 5-year old care to chime in?

        Ragspierre in reply to Tex Detroit. | October 8, 2014 at 1:39 pm

        You poor idiot. You don’t even know the definition of “fallacy”.

        Can you name any lies that Barracula told to get elected the first time?

        Can you name any lies that he told to protect his chances of re-election?

        Of course, you COULD, but you endorse lying. So, again, you will deny, deflect, and simply do what Collectivists do.

        Your very presence here is the result of you lying after you were banned, you piece of shit.

          Tex Detroit in reply to Ragspierre. | October 8, 2014 at 3:22 pm

          Poor Clownselor. Not getting enough love as Hall Monitor?

          Try to stay on the topic of Ms. Grimes and convicted felon, Jimmy”Sex Boat Captain” O’Queefe. Thread-jacking will get you banned.

          Do you have any thing other than lies, ad hominem, vile language, and your farts and snorts to offer this discussion?

    Ragspierre in reply to Tex Detroit. | October 8, 2014 at 4:24 pm

    I asked you a direct question relevant to the “Collectivists lie to win elections” issue.

    You deny, deflect, and simply do what Collectivists do.

    We have our answer.