Martha Robertson “not ready for prime time” after War Against Women debate attack (#NY23)

We covered last night the debate between Democratic challenger Martha Robertson and incumbent Republican Tom Reed.

The “highlight” of the debate was the crowd laughing loudly when Robertson claimed Reed was “part of the War Against Women.” That line, and the crowd’s reaction, has received a fair amount of mocking attention. As of this writing, the video has over 15,000 views.

The line was laughable not just for the contrived way in which it was delivered, but also because it made no sense to anyone with local knowledge of Tom Reed. He is the epitome of someone who does not wage a war against women.  He is known to be respectful and thoughtful both in his demeanor and consideration of legislation.

Robertson, once again, obviously was just reading from a playbook, but using it against the wrong person.

The “War Against Women” attack was a major blunder according the post-debate this analysis on the TV station that ran the debate:

In case you missed it, here’s the key line:

“That shows me that Martha Robertson is not ready for primetime.”

The analyst repeated that line in what appears to be a later interview:

“And I think it shows she’s not ready for primetime.”

In the aftermath of that embarrassing moment for Robertson, her supporters are claiming the laughing was misogynistic and sexist:

[Note – see Update below about above tweet.]

Good luck with that.

Update: Looks like the pro-Robertson account ExtremeIthacaLiberal blocked me after I posted that tweet:

Tags: Martha Robertson, NY-23 2014, Tom Reed (NY-23)