Harry Reid Criticized for Attacking Koch Bros by… MSNBC?
“It is sad and pathetic when somebody calls a person un-American.”

Harry Reid’s attacks on the Koch Brothers have been plentiful and well documented. While his obsession and poor taste have been noted on many conservative blogs, there hasn’t been much push back from the media.
That’s what makes this segment from MSNBC’s Morning Joe so special. Not only does host Joe Scarborough call Reid’s attacks pathetic, he points out the large amount of money the Senate Majority PAC has spent on political ads this year.
From the Washington Free Beacon:
MSNBC Blasts Sen. Reid As Hypocritical: ‘Sad And Pathetic’ To Call Koch Bros Un-American
Even MSNBC is turning against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.).
Reid has repeatedly criticized the Koch brothers and other big-money Republicans on the Senate floor. In March, Reid called the Koch brothers un-American, immoral, and dishonest for their hefty donations, even though Reid’s Senate Majority PAC has been the biggest spender of the midterm elections.
It is “sad and pathetic when somebody calls a person un-American, especially when they are bigger offenders of the action he defines as ‘un-American,’” Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough said on Friday.
Scarborough said Reid’s PAC topped the charts with over $32 million given to Democratic races this year.
“We can show you a lot of ads that [Senate Majority PAC has] been running, but a lot of negative ads all over the country,” Scarborough said.
Here’s the video segment:
As Jason L. Riley of the Wall Street Journal recently noted, many Democrats are now distancing themselves from Reid:
Democrats vs. Harry Reid
For months, red state Democrats in tight Senate races have been treating President Obama like he has Ebola. Now even Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is getting the cold shoulder from candidates desperately trying to highlight their independence.
“A $1,000-per-plate fundraiser with Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor (Ark.) turned into an anti-Harry Reid gripe fest last month, after one donor blamed the majority leader for the Senate’s poor public approval ratings and said the idea of him leading the institution was laughable,” reports the Washington Free Beacon, which obtained an audio recording of the event. “Let me just interrupt,” says Mr. Pryor on the recording. “I think possibly the best thing that could happen . . . to this institution, this election cycle would be if [Senate Minority Leader] Mitch McConnell gets beat and Harry Reid gets replaced.”
Let’s help the Democrats replace Harry Reid this November.

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How many people watch Scarborough?
Well, there’s his mom…
Three TV cameramen, the sound guy, producers… it could get up over a dozen.
As far as I can tell, Pryor and Reid will be heading for the same door together.
“No shoving; y’all will get out faster if you stand in line.”
What is also amazing about the Dirty Harry Reid attacks is that the Kochs donate to Democrats and Democrat causes – I’ve even read Reid himself has received their money in the past.
It is a bogus talking point from a delusional man – possibly suffering from dementia; a lost Senator who sold his soul to get rich off the backs of taxpayers through dirty deals, ear-marks, and other nefarious crony deals.
That Scarborough waited this long to notice…….not surprising. No one is watching or listening to him, anyway.
The left was wailing about a conservative group the Kochs had contributed to, but they had only given the group $25,000 a year for six years through 2012. During the same period, they gave nearly $4 million to ACLU chapters.
We need a Senator willing to perform the role Gingrich did while in the minority in the House, calling out the corruption of the Democratic leadership.
Reid and his sons should probably all die in prison, not to mention a number of his cronies.
Reid is just trying to create a demon to fire up the base, literally demonizing the Koch Brothers. This is an ancient political ploy. It’s the straw man argument personified. (The Kochs as Reid describes them do not exist – strawmen of Reid’s to knock down).
Pryor knows his potential supporters are those stupid enough to believe he would vote for anyone but Reid if Reid needs his vote.
It’s getting down to crunch time. People need to get behind the nominees, even those they didn’t vote for in primaries, or else just leave the GOP for good.
Those who can’t in good conscience vote for their party’s chosen nominee should go out and start their own party – or just join the Democrats, since they don’t seem to mind electing those guys.
But if that’s you, be honorable and STAY THE HELL OUT of our nominating processes in the future. Leave it to the real, loyal Republicans. If you like our nominees, you can still vote for them in the general. If you don’t, you can stay home or vote for someone else.
Just do us the courtesy of allowing us to pick our candidates without interference from outside agitators like you.
Thanks for your attention and consideration.
seems to be more cases of ebola coming into the USA…
….the dems gonna severely lose the senate to republicans if 0bama continues to keep the borders unsecure and the flights to africa open. *l*