2014 Dem Nightmare Come True: Obama puts his policies “on the ballot”

Some Democrats are running for election or re-election this November but all Democrats are running as fast as they can from Obama.

For his part, the president isn’t doing them any favors.

In a speech at Northwestern University yesterday, Obama tied himself and his deeply unpopular policies directly to the Democratic Party and the 2014 elections.

Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post reported:

28 words that Democrats really wish President Obama didn’t say todayHere are the four sentences that will draw all of the attention (they come more than two thirds of the way through the speech): “I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them.” Boil those four sentences down even further and here’s what you are left with: “Make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them.”You can imagine Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas or Sen. Kay Hagan in North Carolina or Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky grimacing when they heard those 28 words. That trio has spent much of the campaign insisting that this election is NOT about Barack Obama, that it is instead about a choice between themselves and their opponents.The reason for this distancing strategy is obvious: President Obama is deeply unpopular in many of the states that will decide which party controls the majority in 2015. Of the seven seats rated “toss ups” by the non-partisan Cook Political Report, Obama lost four of them (Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana and North Carolina) in 2012. He also lost in three Democratic-held open seats — Montana, South Dakota and West Virginia — now viewed as sure-thing pickups for Republicans. If Republicans only won Democratic-held seats where Obama lost in 2012, they would pick up 7 seats — one more than they need to recapture the majority.

Here’s the video, via the Washington Free Beacon:

Let’s hope a majority of voters take Obama at his word. His policies are the Democratic Party’s policies.

He is them. They are him.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2014 Election, Barack Obama, Democrats