Britain raises terror threat level to “highly likely”

Britain, home to many of the Jihadists fighting for ISIS, including the likely beheader of James Foley, has just raised its terror threat level.

The Telegraph reports, Terror attack on UK ‘highly likely’ as threat level raised:

The UK terror threat level has been raised to its second highest meaning an attack on the country is “highly likely”.It is the first time the threat level has been at “severe” since 2011 when it was reduced to “substantial”.Theresa May, the Home Secretary, said the decision was taken in light of the increasing dangers posed by British fanatics and other foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria….Police and security services have long been concerned over the large numbers of British jihadists travelling to Syria and Iraq.It is feared more than 500 have gone and around half of those are now back in the UK, with some possibly planning attacks here.At least one plot is known to have already been foiled.

Is Britain finally will to address the Jihadis among it? Prime Minister David Cameron says Britain is, but that’s far from clear, particularly in light of the disgusting disclosure recently that fear of being called “racist” led British authorities to ignore for over a decade Pakistani-community rape gangs targeting over 1400 white teenagers based on race and religion.

Here is Cameron’s address today:

(added) It’s not like Britain was not already aware of the problem, as it manifested itself in the brutal machete murder of Lee Rigby:

Tags: Britain, ISIS, Terrorism