Bloggers defeat Kimberlin defamation suit in state court trial

We mentioned earlier today, in our post about the federal court suit by Brett Kimberlin, that some bloggers also were subject to suit in a state court case as to which the trial was ongoing.

Dave Weigel from was at the trial, and just tweeted:

Robert Stacy McCain and Ali Akbar react:

William Hoge writes: Game Over:

We win, and Brett Kimberlin loses!UPDATE—We did not put on a defense. Judge Johnson ruled that The Dread Pro-Se Kimberlin did not present evidence of the torts he was alleging, and he ruled in our favor as a matter of law after TDPK rested his case.UPDATE 2—I’d like to offer my thanks to all of you folks who have offered your prayers and encouragement. I’d like to thank Patrick Ostronic, who provided Aaron, Stacy, and me with a pro bono defense. Thanks are also due to Ken White for putting up the Popehat signal on our behalf and to Glenn Reynolds for the Instalanche of Ken’s post that alerted Patrick to our plight.

Tags: Blogging