Martha Robertson just cut-and-pasting DCCC talking points (#NY23)

Martha Robertson is the Emily’s List-backed, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) “Red to Blue” Democratic challenger in NY-23, my home district.

The “red-to-blue” designation means she’s considered at the top tier of Democratic candidates who might flip a current Republican seat. So she will be showered with national money.

We have been following the race closely, and have exposed a number of issues that have helped frame the narrative of the race, including Robertson’s false fundraising claim that GOP operatives hacked her website during a critical fundraising period, her support for Obamacare as a pathway to single payer, and her misunderstanding of the Veteran’s administrative crisis.

In an attempt to gain some momentum, Robertson held a press conference today to announce her challenge to Reed on several issues revolving around congressional perks. This was her statement at the press conference, as reported by the Elmira Star-Gazette:

“I’m deeply troubled by the leadership in our own current representation in Congress. Congressman Tom Reed has a record of accepting and abusing the perks that he’s enjoyed throughout his tenure in office,” Robertson said.“Lawmakers don’t have to report the free luxury trips that they receive from private groups while in office,” she said. “I call on Congressman Tom Reed to renounce these perks and demand greater, not less, transparency in reporting gifts that members of Congress receive.”

Those talking points sound familiar. They appear to be DCCC talking points about congressional perks being used by numerous candidates, as Jazz Shaw reported several days ago at Hot Air, Multiple Democrats come up with the same “surprising” proposals.

At the press conference, WETM television report Ben Amey asked Robertson about whether she used DCCC talking points, but she dodged the question (something she has a habit of doing):

Cut and paste?

I’d email the Robertson campaign for comment, but they never respond anyway.

Tags: Martha Robertson, NY-23 2014, Tom Reed (NY-23)