Will flood of false flag PAC ads doom conservative in #NY22?

Last Sunday night we called attention to the flood of PAC advertising on behalf of incumbent Republican Richard Hanna in the safe-Republican NY-22 district. The Republican primary is June 24. There is no Democratic candidate, because the district was considered so safe Republican.

The PAC ads are “false flags” because they present Hanna as the most conservative candidate, when in fact challenger Claudia Tenney is the most conservative. WBNG 12 reports:

Assemblywoman Claudia Tenney held a press conference to call out Hanna, who she said is partnering with liberal companies in Washington and is sending out false information to voters.She said Hanna is putting out flyers that are simply not true.”He’s putting out flyer after flyer describing himself as ‘Your Conservative Voice, Your Conservative Choice.’ There’s a reason he keeps using the word conservative because that’s who votes in Republican primaries,” Tenney said.Tenney is the top-rated conservative in the state legislature and Hanna is the third most liberal of the Republican caucus.

Pro-Hannal liberal PACs have spent several hundred thousand dollars or more on these ads in a relatively small market where the advertising rates must be much lower than in large markets. I would not be surprised if $700,000 of ads in NY-22 is the equivalent of millions in big city markets.

The ads are non-stop. This evening the ads were on TV during Special Report with Bret Baier:


(added 8:50 p.m.) And on the O’Reilly show:

Our coverage of these false flags ads was picked up by numerous national conservatives, and there has been increased interest and coverage.

But so far, no big name conservative or Tea Party political figures have gotten involved in the race on behalf of Tenney.

Hanna has more money and large PACs behind him. I think the tide could change in these last days, but it might take a big name political endorsement to help offset the PAC ads and reset the false narrative.

Tags: NY-22 2014