I return to find my predictions have come true

We’re back in Ithaca after a great vacation in the Dominican Republic. The featured image is the view from our room.

One of the readers guessed the location — almost. We stayed at the Barceló Bavaro Beach Resort, not the “Palace.” We stayed there before and like the quiet, small location on the best section of beach.

Due to the efficiency of United Airlines in not having a flight crew for our already delayed connecting flight out of Newark, we landed 4 hours late, almost 2 in the morning.

Thanks to the contributors for covering while I was away and to Mandy for running the show.

While I was away, I noticed some of my predictions coming true, particularly the fulfillment of my prediction from July 2012, that the Most important legacy of Obama’s gay marriage switch was freeing Dems to play the “bigot card”.

The John Kerry negotiations also collapsed, quite predictably. The Palestinians never budged an inch on any of the core issues, and still think they can get more from joining international organizations and imposing a result on Israel. Who coulda seen that coming? Palestinians refuse to miss the opportunity to miss another opportunity.

There probably were other predictions that came true while I was away. I’m just too tired right now to seek them out.

So what did I miss?