Dan Bongino at CPAC: “We are the party of real answers”

Avid Legal Insurrection readers are no stranger to Dan Bongino. We’ve supported him for several years and, after announcing his candidacy in Maryland’s 6th Congressional district this past June, he became the first member of our 2014 Operation Counterweight list.

This year, Bongino was named as one of the Top 10 Under 40 at CPAC. He delivered an excellent speech yesterday about how he found conservatism during his career as an NYPD officer.

He also touched on a number of other topics, including the need for Conservatives to win the “hearts and minds” of the American people.

John Edwards gave a speech once about two Americas, but what John Edwards failed to tell you — and what I think everybody knows — is that he created it… We are losing the battle for hearts and minds… We are losing to a party that is creating nothing but chaos.It’s very different to make the argument that liberalism is not helping. It’s not that its not helping folks, it is actually decimating. It’s decimating lives, families, generations of families and cultural institutions…We are the party of compassion, we always have been. We are the party of real answers, they are the party of nothing but good intentions gone awry.

Watch the entire speech. It’s worth it.

(Featured Image Source: YouTube)

Tags: CPAC2014