Demos, a left-wing Soros-Open Society affiliated UK think tank, did a study of “slurs” on Twitter.
The Daily Mail Reports, Just how racist is Twitter?
10,000 racist tweets are sent ever day, a major new study into racism on social networks has discovered.Research by the think tank Demos found the biggest insult was ‘white boy’Researchers analysed 126,975 English-language tweets from across the globe over a 9-day period in the biggest ever study of Twitter racism.Researchers revealed the most common racial slurs used on the micro-blogging site included ‘whitey’ and ‘pikey’.However, as many as 70% of tweets using such language were deemed to be using slurs in non-derogatory fashion.’This sparks the debate about the extent to which Twitter truly is a platform for racism and abusive language,’ the report claims.Jamie Bartlett, Director of CASM at Demos and author of the report, said: ‘Twitter provides us with a remarkable window into how people talk, argue, debate, and discuss issues of the day.’While there are a lot of racial slurs being used on Twitter, the overwhelming majority of them are not used in an obviously prejudicial or hateful way.
Here’s the chart from the Demos Report (the percentages are of the total of tweets identified as containing slurs:
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