You have to break some healthcare plans to make an Obamacare

Who really cares about those much-maligned kulak individual health insurance market policy holders?

Hell, depending upon how you count them, they could number 15 million, or maybe as low as 6 million. You know who else didn’t care about … oh, never mind.

Just because you are not one of the much-maligned, don’t think you can run from Obamacare, which stalks each of us like the Grim … oh, never mind.

Second wave of health-insurance disruption affects small businesses (h/t Charles Cooke):

When millions of health-insurance plans were canceled last fall, the Obama administration tried to be reassuring, saying the terminations affected only the small minority of Americans who bought individual policies.But according to industry analysts, insurers and state regulators, the disruption will be far greater, potentially affecting millions of people who receive insurance through small employers by the end of 2014.While some cancellation notices already have gone out, insurers say the bulk of the letters will be sent in October, shortly before the next open-enrollment period begins. The timing — right before the midterm elections — could be difficult for Democrats who are already fending off Republican attacks about the Affordable Care Act and its troubled rollout.Some of the small-business cancellations are occurring because the policies don’t meet the law’s basic coverage requirements. But many are related only indirectly to the law; insurers are trying to move customers to new plans designed to offset the financial and administrative risks associated with the health-care overhaul. As part of that, they are consolidating their plan offerings to maximize profits and streamline how they manage them….Stephen Lohman, owner of Allegheny Plant Services, a trucking company in Pittsburgh, said the Aetna PPO plan he offers his 38 employees will be discontinued at the end of this year. He said he has been offered a new Aetna policy with premiums that are 40 percent higher, and that other insurers’ rates are similar.“We were very surprised,” he said, adding that it is “important to me personally” to offer insurance to his employees, but he is not sure he can afford the premium increase.

Well, don’t expect any sympathy from the administration, small business plan kulaks.

You have to break some healthcare plans to make an Obamacare.

You know who else said you have to break some … to make an … oh, never mind.

Tags: Kulaks, Obamacare