What if you threw a traffic scandal and only the media cared?

A Pew Research poll out Monday suggests that there has been little public interest so far in the recent coverage surrounding Chris Christie in the wake of the George Washington Bridge lane closures controversy.

From Pew Research Center for the People and the Press:

The public paid far more attention to last week’s cold snap than to the controversy swirling around New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. There also has been little short-term change in opinions about Christie: 60% say their opinion of Christie has not changed in recent days, while 16% now view him less favorably and 6% more favorably.The national survey by the Pew Research Center, conducted Jan. 9-12 among 1,006 adults, finds that just 18% paid very close attention to Christie’s apology on Jan. 9 for the highway lane closures ordered by his aides. By contrast, 44% very closely followed news about the cold winter weather that gripped much of the U.S. and 28% tracked news about the economy.

That might seem surprising (or not) to some, given all the endless media coverage of the Bridgegate story, including additional investigations now being reported.

There was also this finding from the same Pew Research report:

The release of a book by former Defense Secretary Robert Gates that criticized the Obama administration drew even less interest than news about Christie. Just 11% followed news about Gates’ book very closely.

You can read the full Pew Research report here.