Kathleen Sebelius committed a rookie error, even though she’s no rookie.
When it comes to healthcare.gov, never ever do anything on live television.
Today’s headaches might not be over for Sebelius:
Might want to cancel your plans tomorrow, @Sebelius. It's going to be a busy day. @Project_Veritas
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 19, 2013

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Is “Chronic Schadenfreude” a covered condition under ObamaCare? I think I has it!
Yeah, covered. BUT there is a hefty deductible!
What is that fast food slogan? “I’m lovin’ it!”
It’s even better than we thought – this and other Schadenfreudian slips are brought to us by the MSM, CBS in this case. (“Go to commercial! Roll commercial! Ah! Ahhhhhh!”)
This could get excruciating. Gov’t official admits large sections of HealthCare.gov aren’t started yet.
” Another day, another big, bad black eye for HealthCare.gov.
A crucial system for making payments to insurers from people who enroll in that federal Obamacare marketplace has yet to be built, a senior government IT official admitted Tuesday.
The official, Henry Chao, visibly stunned Rep. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) when he said under questioning before a House subcommittee that a significant fraction of HealthCare.gov—30 to 40 percent of it—has yet to be constructed.”
How many self-inflicted kicks to the groin can the administration withstand before its junk is reduced to an undifferentiated mass of pulp?
A response to fear, I’m thinking the presidential junk is packed so high and tight behind the presidential liver it is impervious to kicks.
“But… but… the PowerPoint we put together for the website looked so good!”
Next up: Obama standing at the open gas cap of a subsidized hybrid with a lit match saying, “Watch this!”
Are we reaching “peak” FAIL…???
Obama Legacy: Resetting beyond the reach of mere mortals what counts as Peak Fail.
#ObamaCountrySongs I fell into a burning ring of fail.
Ah went down, down, down…
And those rates went all to hell…
And it burns, burns, burns.
That ring of fail.
That ring of fail.
(Hey, it could work…).
Obamacare happens!
Obamacare — the early Christmas present that just keeps giving.
As I recall, she testified before Congress that the web site has never crashed. If nothing else, she’s getting an education.
Sebelius…what happens when a dufus POTUS with no executive experience goes to hire an executive. Double Dufus.
This administration is not qualified to run a car wash, much less a nation.
Besides that, they are brazen liars, lawless, corrupt, vengeful, petty, spiteful, punitive, immoral, and partisan.
I wouldn’t trust Zero, or anyone in his administration, to possess even enough competence to sharpen pencils – they are that stupid/inept/bumbling/clueless/….
I am not getting these ‘negotiators’ . Who would trust any one like that to make the choices/ decisions for you .
These people are paid to push you into anything just to make Obama look better.
Yeah… like an unheated barracks or a cattle-car.
The next time Obama says “I’m not that stupid”, please someone, “yes sir, you are that stupid”
Or just say, “Sir, you lie! Again.”
Drudge has a headline predicting another 50 to 100 million more people are losing health care coverage.
Don’t forget the Insurance Companies KNOW what’s coming! And, until ObamaCare came along, all 50 states had their own insurance departments.
What happens when the curtain rises on January 1st?
Perhaps it will get bad enough that the people will rise up and demand the effing liar resign and the bill get repealed.
I wonder how many people who had relatively successful careers before joining up with Obama now regret it? Sebelius had a rather nice legacy going for her and now this debacle will remain a yoke around her neck for the rest of her life. She probably wishes she had stayed in Kansas.
I wonder how many times she’s clicked her heels together.
I had to sign back in just to give you a thumbs up. Nice!
Dorothy , I don’t think we are in Kansas anymore’
Might want to look at the reasons he chose Sebellius.
‘Substitute you for my mum
At least I’ll get my washing done ‘ .
More evidence that this site was built by a bunch of amateur hacks. Anybody in the software biz knows you don’t demo unstable code live like that.
Sebelius laughing? She and Barry think this is a joke? Well it IS a joke, but one NOT to be played on the American public.
The people, must toss these fraudster’s out the door. As far a Barry, show him out of the country..