It appears that Obama and the Democrats will leave the WWII Memorial in its natural open status, and drop the barrycades, after the negative publicity.
That said, the Senate is likely to kill the House funding bill passed yesterday to reopen various Parks Service monuments along with the Smithsonian and Holocaust Museum. The NIH funding almost certaily also will be killed by Senate Democrats and Obama, even as Democrats accuse Republicans of denying cancer treatment to children because of lack of funding.
Here’s another funding bill the House should pass promptly, overseas military cemetaries, which have closed allegedly due to lack of funding for the American Battle Monument Commission:
It’s hard to know if battle monuments and cemeteries really needed to be shut, or it’s just another barrycade game.
Regardless, the House should fund overseas military cemetaries like the Normandy memorial (h/t myiq2xu):
Let Democrats be the ones to deny funding for the other Private Ryans who wish to visit their fallen comrades: