Gangster Disciple calls out Rahm, Jesse Jackson, on Chicago violence

A former high-ranking member of “Gangster Disciples” street gang, “Noonie G,” has called out the Chicago machine for failing to address the root causes of Chicago violence: the illegal drug trade. Speaking to Breitbart’s Rebel Pundit, he referred to people like Jesse Jackson, Jr., and Al Sharpton as “sympathy pimps,” unleashing a scathing attack on the players who enable the violence to continue–and shield the public from a true understanding of what’s going on:

The nation has had its eyes fixated on Chicago as one of the epicenters of violence on its streets. There has not been satisfactory reporting by the local media, holding either police chief Garry McCarthy or Mayor Emanuel accountable for explaining the horrific violence and addressing its causes. It seems easy enough for local reporters to describe the violence as “gang-related” or just another “drive-by shooting” and leave it at that. But as Noonie G. points out, when do these people enter the real epicenters of violence other than for a quick report or press conference?

It’s incumbent on those of us with the good fortune not to fear for our children’s lives when they set out for school each morning to demand answers for our fellow American citizens who do live in such circumstances. If Noonie G. is correct, and it is the drug cartels that are fueling much of the violence–and not simply gang rivalries–then we must ask: who is profiting off this illegal drug trade?

Noonie G. seems to imply that, from his perspective, it’s more than the cartels who profit. That in order for their trade to flourish there must be some level of complicity among what he refers to as “the powers that be.”

Tags: Jesse Jackson, Rahm Emanuel, Rebel Pundit