FIRST, you find out stuff before your friends.
Case in point, on Monday afternoon Leslie wrote Hamilton College sponsors “I Love Female Orgasm” workshop based on an obscure Facebook page we stumbled upon while researching the Hamilton segregation scandal. The post was tweeted and shared on Facebook hundreds of times.
It seems that many LI readers didn’t find out about it until Wednesday afternoon, when they started emailing me about a Drudge link to a viral story just posted at … Campus Reform, College to host orgasm workshop for female undergrads. Thanks for the “tips,” but it would have been old news to you … if you read College Insurrection, or at least followed CI or LI on Twitter or Facebook.
ALSO, we aggregate more campus sources than just about anyone else, on topics like these:
War on Men
Giving Voice to Conservatives on Campus
- Brave Conservative Harvard Student Puts Bush/Cheney Sticker on his Laptop
- Hillsdale Student: Utterly Factless – The Gun Control Cult
- Baylor U. Student: Why the Constitution is Important
- Vassar Minority Student Derides Athletic Diversity Outreach
Protecting Speech
- Constitution-Distributing Student Reveals “Free Speech Zone” Realities
- Naval Academy Prof. criticizes sexual assault policy, gets treated like sex offender
- Wisconsin Grad Student’s Email Slams Intolerant “Diversity Training” Realities
- Cornell Student on the Disturbing Trend Toward Campus Censorship
- Video – Baltimore Dad arrested for questioning Common Core at school meeting — charges later dropped
Nutty Profs
- U. Toronto Prof. won’t teach books written by women or Chinese authors
- Florida Atlantic U. Prof Claims Navy Shipyard Assault Staged
- Scholars at UNC Chapel Hill Claim Republicans Want To Harm Black Women, Kill Kids
- Texas A&M Prof. calls Ted Cruz ‘Idiot’ over Filibuster
- Former Terrorist Bill Ayers to give ‘queering education’ speech at Gettysburg College
- Video – Jesse Watters confronts prof. involved with ambush of David Petraeus
Kids Will Be Kids
- Yale Student on the Merits of a Lower Legal Drinking Age
- College Student Lives “Grand Theft Auto” with Expected Results
- Brown U. Reveals “Nudity Week” with Special Student Performances
- Smith College Coed Wants ‘Straight-only’ Sorority; Witch-hunt Ensues
In Memoriam

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Thanks for the lesson professor!
NUTTY PROFESSORS – What a great category!
And you are 100% right about CI. I feel very proud of myself when I see some media item on one of these college related issues (particularly one on broadcast media) and I realize that I know more about the issue than the media pundits talking about it. I owe CI a big thanks.
Hamilton must be reeling from low admissions, to try such insane “workshops” in order to gain notoriety with the “Right crowd” of people to fill it’s diversification quotas.
What we are seeing overall in campuses these days is a long term assault on the very foundational principles of our republic.
All in the name of “Tolerance, Diversity, and the (once) Free exchange of ideas.”
Female orgasm is my 2nd favorite type of orgasm.
In the Dark Ages when I was an undergrad, UCLA didn’t offer classes in dating or courting, let alone flirting and foreplay.
Workshops in orgasm and masturbation? Unthinkable in those backwards times.
It’s therefore nothing short of a miracle I’ve been able to achieve orgasm over the years.
I wonder. Won’t dropping out of school soon be de facto premature ejaculation?
Watching a taped TV series with my daughter and her boyfriend one night, I was pleasantly touched that her boyfriend grabbed the remote and fast forwarded through the sex scenes to save me the discomfort of sitting through them while watching with my daughter seated next to me. “Smart and considerate move” I thought at the time.
But, now, on second thought, I want him to show me proof he actually graduated this spring.
If he did, well, what the hell kind of classes and workshops was he taking?
I’ll be damned if I’m going to let my daughter keep seeing a guy who couldn’t even take it upon himself to see a school counselor about workshops in beating off.
Have her get serious about some backwards, Dark Ages guy?
Do I look uneducated or something?
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