Today in “Twitter brings out the best in people” – UPDATED

or more precisely, who they really are.

Allan Brauer, Communications Director for the Sacramento Democratic Party wished Amanda Carpenter’s children slow painful deaths from incurable diseases (via Twitchy):

Amanda Carpenter, by the way, used to be a speech writer for Jim DeMint, and now is a speech writer and communications advisor to Ted Cruz.

Now it makes sense.

Bauer has apologized to Carpenter.  But not for this tweet from 2012 (warning, don’t open in front of the kids).

UPDATE, 9/20 8:10pm EST:

Brauer has reportedly resigned.

From the Democratic Party of Sacramento County:

The Democratic Party of Sacramento County (DPSC) Friday called for and accepted the resignation of its volunteer communications chair following of series of personal twitter comments directed at GOP staff after Republicans voted to defund President Obama’s health care law.DPSC chair Kerri Asbury said the personal twitter comments made by Communications Committee chair Allan Brauer were “appalling and inexcusable.” She accepted his resignation Friday, and issued the following statement:“The comments by our volunteer communications chair are appalling and inexcusable. No matter what our political disagreements may be, wishing harm is never an acceptable response during heated public debate or any other time. Mr. Brauer has apologized for his comments and expressed his remorse.”

Tags: Twitter