The Readers called it: Hannity to 10 p.m., Greta to 7 p.m.
Fox News primetime line up gets even stronger.

When Drudge first teased that Megyn Kelly was getting the 9 p.m. slot, we had a reader poll as to what we wanted to see happen.
The result was a clear vote in favor of moving Hannity to 10 p.m., Greta to 7 p.m. and Shep Smith out of primetime:
Not long ago it was confirmed that Shep Smith was taking on a new “breaking newsroom” role at Fox, and now the rest of the puzzle is clear, via Mediaite:
After months of speculation, Fox News has finally announced its official new primetime lineup. Starting Monday, October 7th, Fox’s primetime hours will be entirely re-jiggered, with the exception of Bill O’Reilly staying planted at 8 p.m. ET.
As previously reported, Megyn Kelly will be moving to the 9 p.m. ET slot with her new show, The Kelly File. That slot’s former host, Sean Hannity, will move his eponymous show to the 10 p.m. slot, currently occupied by Greta Van Susteren.
Just as we’ve speculated before, Van Susteren will in turn move her signature show, On the Record, to the 7 p.m. slot currently occupied by Shepard Smith, who is vacating that spot to focus on his new “Fox News Deck” breaking news desk.
Of her earlier time slot, Van Susteren said: “After 11 ½ years number one at 10pm and driving home near midnight, I am ‘to the moon thrilled’ at a new challenge (and a new drive! Half the year I won’t even need headlights!).”
Hannity said of his new time-slot: “I am very happy to be moving to 10PM. The ability to be live or on tape greatly increases the flexibility of the show and offers me, after 17 years, the opportunity to be home at night with my family.”
Did the readers call it? Or cause it? Fox News surely knew that it didn’t want to lose it key ideological leader, Hannity, and it’s best evaluative reporter, Greta.
This is win win.
And the story remains the same: Media Matters: Be afraid of Megyn Kelly, be very afraid.

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Can’t stand the smug/RINO loving Shephard Smith.
My favorite remains Bret Baier, while I think O’Reilly better suited for CNN.
Special Report is indeed the best in the line up. I look forward to Wednesday nights when they have the extended show (30 minutes extra) on line where the panel usually loosens up and they can often say what they really mean. Sometimes it is a real hoot.
I like the All Star Panel, especially if Hayes and the Chuckster are on. 50% of Dr. K’s humor is so dry, it passes with no one noticing. I like Greta, too. She’s very welcome at 7. I won’t miss… what’s his name? The smarmy/snarky wide-eyed fellow….
Yep, Special Report is best. Also, the Journal Editorial Report on weekends is also excellent.
After reading that original Media Matter drivel my head is dizzy.
“a climate change denier”
“Benghazi falsehoods”
“use children as janitors” (guess they never heard of Montessori)
“cover gay rights” (mention of the Matthew Shepard debacle?)
“subtle misinformation”
What time warped alternative universe do these people live in?
I am one of those 705 who voted for door number 2.
The insufferable liberal Shep Smith will not be missed.
I’m glad that Fox exists, but I don’t usually watch it. It’s good that there is an alternative to the lapdog media on the other channels. I hope that Fox continues to beat those indoctrinated propadandists in the ratings.
My fav is the All Star panel with Charles. Also, looks like Hannity will be taping his show quite a bit so he can get home to his family. Not a bad compromise although I can’t find a reason I would watch Megyn Kelly.
You must have a Braille keyboard.
lol Henry. Yeah other than she’s pretty.
I’ve seen Kelly all along the spectrum from fluffy GMA type stuff to hard edged Laura Ingraham style. I’m hoping having her own prime time show brings out the hard edged style. Alas, even the hardest will press and press an unresponsive interviewee only to give up on getting an answer.
Always enjoyed Megyn and thought she held her own with anyone that sat across from her. She always holds the high ground and does it with directness, tact and intelligence. And as a take charge person, you only have to remember election night 2012 and the count of the last electoral votes when she left an over the top Karl Rove in the news room (I believe in her stocking feet)walked the cameramen down the long hallway to the “computer techs” reporting area and then turned around and called it. She was in it and owning it. What a Gal.
Hooray! Bing bong that awful liberal Shep is out! His Katrina reporting was shameful.
Greta and Megyn are fantastic. One time I saw Greta end an interview, during the DC sniper days, with a guy somebody had lined up for her. The guy lived in the back of the the sniper’s wife’s home, on the next street, had seen nothing, and knew nothing, and some moron thought he would merit a Greta interview. When Greta realized the guy was unsuitable, she summarily ended the interview.
Would someone get rid of O’Reilly? If you enjoy watching him, all you have to do is record one episode and play it over and over. All he does is talk about himself. If he has an expert on or an authority, he simply ask a question then interrupts the speaker and cares on the conversation with himself until the speaker’s time is up. For that matter, O’Reilly is not a conservative, he is a progressive liberal that has a strong, strong moral agenda for putting his morals down our throats. I might agree with some of his moral points, but I don’t want the government tell me how to live my life. Hannity runs a close second to O’Reilly. He also is a progressive with a strong desire for the government to be a major part of our lives.
I detest O’Reilly. Never saw a guy work so hard to be Fair & Balanced® on purely arbitrary grounds, simply to be viewed fair and balanced, and achieving it on nothing but his own say-so. It’s like he came up with the theme first (No Spin Zone!) and worked backwards from there. Of all the people in the media/commentary/political orbit, O’Reilly is the only one who matches Obama’s narcissism.
I’m thinking you offer LI’s obviously “more intelligent than the average blog readers” as consultants to Fox News….. since we pretty much have got this thing covered.
I pretty much can’t stand any of the Fox News line-up these days, but especially Baby Jesus and most especially O’Really.
(I guess Cavuto’s okay.)