Syria Attack Watch

We will update this post throughout the day, in reverse chronological order, with most recent updates at top.

If there actually is an attack, we’ll start a new thread with video embeds, etc. For now there are two Twitter feeds at the bottom of this post, one I created using reliable sources, and another raw #Syria hashtag feed.

BREAKING – Obama says has decided to take military action, doesn’t need U.N. Security Council or Congress, BUT will seek congressional approval:

Really Chuck Todd, really?

More reactions at Obama statement on Syria and also below:


The Syrian government says that it is expecting an attack “any moment.” That literally is true, we just don’t know which moment.


If there is an attack, it won’t be with your granddaddy’s type Tomahawk:

Mandy already reported on this, Syrian Electronic Army says it may retaliate if US strikes Syria:

You just knew that they would blame Bush for all this:

In case you were wondering how the low-information voters would simplify the problem:

Why to I get the feeling Putin is enjoying watching Obama squirm?

Hezbollah reportedly is mobilizing forces in South Lebanon, possibly redeploying some of its troops who are fighting in Syria. Israel also reportedly is mobilizing in the north of the country, and has conducted two days of heavy overflights.

Legal Insurrection’s Syria Twitter Feed:

#Syria Hashtag Feed::

Tags: Syria