Today we will again be covering the Zimmerman Trial live, all day, with streaming video. Continuing commentary will be posted in the Twitter feed of selected contributors below the first video feed, and breaking news will be added at the bottom of this post.
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Tuesday, July 9 Commentary
During the lunch recess, or immediately thereafter, we will TRY topost a mid-day update. We’ll then follow up with the usual detailed end-of-day wrap up, including video and embedded Tweets, at the usual time in the evening.
Our end-of-day wrap-up and analysis of yesterday focused on the collapse of the State’s “scream” theory of the case, which imploded with the disclosure that Tracey Martin had initially denied that the screaming on the Lauer 911 recording was that of his son, Trayvon Martin. It also noted that the Court had decided to allow Trayvon Martin’s toxicology report to be allowed into evdience. Also, of course, it contains video of all the other testimony and hearings caught on camera throughout the day. That can be found here:
Implosion: Police Testify Trayvon’s Father Originally Denied Son Was Screaming
This past weekend I posted up an analytical piece of Mark O’Mara’s request for a judgment of acquittal. O’Mara’s motion was well-reasoned and supported by Florida’s case law. It was, of course, doomed to peremptory denial by Judge Nelson. In that piece I’ve linked almost all of the case citations made by O’Mara to full-length copies of the decisions, so you can see the sources for yourselves, if you like (most of the decisions are gratifyingly brief). You can see that here:
Why Zimmerman’s Motion for Acquittal Should Have Been Granted
Last Thursday, July 4, I had posted up a review of the trial to date, with some prognostication of how things may role out in the coming days. To take a look at that, click here:
Zimmerman Trial Review– How We Got Here, And Where We’re Going
For all of our prior coverage on day-to-day events in court, as covered here at Legal Insurrection, click here:
ARCHIVE: Zimmerman Trial LIVE coverage all day, every day
For all of our prior coverage on issues specific to the Law of Self Defense as covered at my own blog, click here:
Law of Self Defense Blog: Zimmerman Trial
(NOTE: If you do wander over to the LOSD blog, be sure to come back to Legal Insurrection to comment, as nearly all my time is spent here for the duration of the trial.)
Andrew F. Branca is an MA lawyer and author of the seminal book “The Law of Self Defense,” now available in its just released 2nd Edition, which shows you how to successfully fight the 20-to-life legal battle everyone faces after defending themselves. Take advantage of the 20% “Zimmerman trial” discount & free shipping (ends when the jury returns a verdict). NRA & IDPA members can also use checkout coupon LOSD2-NRA for an additional 10% off. To do so simply visit the Law of Self Defense blog. (Coupon works ONLY at
Note also that “The Law of Self Defense, 2nd Edition” is also available at They set their own price, and it can vary each day, so you might want to check there to see if they are offering the best deal today.
Many thanks to Professor Jacobson for the invitation to guest-blog on the Zimmerman trial here on Legal Insurrection!
You can follow Andrew on Twitter on @LawSelfDefense (or @LawSelfDefense2 if I’m in Twitmo, follow both!) on Facebook, and at his blog, The Law of Self Defense.

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MSNBC is going all out on the racial injustice angle! They haven’t mentioned the KKK yet, but it can only be a matter of minutes away.
This is journalistic malpractice of the most invidious kind. This is a televised lynching and the FBI and DoJ (Holder-ing my breath) need to investigate. As the left loves to bleat, freedom of speech does not include hate speech.
Screw these racists bastards! (I apologize for my language)
Just had three legal experts on MSNBC and a completely fatuous AA former prosecutor was simply orgasmic at how the defense’s forensic expert was dissected by BdlR.
Then a former judge replied and simply tinkled in this guy’s Cherrios. Said the prosecutor didn’t even have a single theory of what happened – were trying to throw things against the wall to see what stuck. Was the prosecutor’s job – not the defense’s – to eliminate reasonable doubt, not introduce it! lol
No kidding! Watching that Cross with the questions about whether GZ hurt himself on a tree, all I could think of was: “does this moron think that GZ has to prove his innocence beyond a reasonable doubt?”
Mantai (SIC) looks terrible! Facial expressions. Slow, unknowing questions. His suit sucks; poor quality and ill tailored. But worst of all he is a dead ringer for the first defense attorney in My Cousin Vinny!!
His suit sucks; poor quality and ill tailored.
Maybe he has the same wardrobe/styling consultant as the judge!
GZ should give hime some of his leftover Jos. A. Banks duds when this fiasco is terminated.
Well, someone said they kept the room chilly because of JDN’s flashes. Maybe Mantei is just cold and likes to keep all the buttons on his suit tightly buttoned?
Looks like Mantei may have gone back to playing Candy Crush on his Iphone.
He will have tone of wrinkles around his mouth from pouting so much.
The animation was made before the trial – so it could not possibly be comprised only of trial evidence, testimony.
don’t forget depos, it is supposed to show to what a witness is going to testify….don’t forget “never ask a question in which you don’t know the answer”
so are you guys thinking Nelson will allow it?
I think that Nelson was impressed by the video when she watched it this morning. I think that Mantai (SIC) is badgering the witness. 1+1= Nelson will not allow the video!
Maybe O’Mara will release it after court, just for fun.
and for which you don’t have AT LEAST two follow-up questions.
someone on the prosecution might do well to read a little more Sun Tzu….
I’d like to know if this is normal for Mantei. I mean does he want jurors to hate him? (I know they aren’t present right now) He must get a lot of plea deals.
Jurors are not in the room, so he can be as asinine as he wants.
Ya, but he acts like an ass in front of the jury. Maybe not as bad as right now, but dang. Someone posted that this somewhere and it cracked me up – “If he can’t accept his baldness, how can we accept his arguments?”
Wow, I think Mantei wants to show he’s no little guy and can be just as much of a douchebag as BDLR.
Does the animation in any way suggest that Lauer and Good knew what each other was doing?
I don’t get the point of mantei’s questions. He is trying to obfuscate.
Mantei is trying to discredit the process, the technology and the technician…SO he can bolster and continue to promulgate and hyper-dramatize the Crump/Julison false fictional narrative.
Well, with the jury out of the room, all you got for the decision ahead is little judge debbi half-nelson. And, it seems over the past few days she’s seen her career go under the microscope.
If the animation ain’t allowed, it will become a You Tube sensation in the years ahead.
Isn’t there a timeline of all the events, based on the timestamps of the telephone calls?
There’s one at gzlegalcase(dot)com. Several others around the web, too. Google zimmerman+timeline.
Perfect! Thanks.
I worked up my own from the established objective timelines, then piecing together evidence and testimony.
I have a question: is there any explanation for why only 10 cents was found in TM’s effects? It looks like he is putting paper money in his pocket after his purchase at 7-11.
He had $22.10 or $42.10, I think. ME noted some folding money in the inventory.
DMS-9: $40.15. Police evidence inventory.
I actually understand the technical side of the animation data collection. I work with data collection electronics like this.
Mantei is being a jackwagon, and Nelson is letting him ….. be a jackwagon to this guy. He is being completely snotty to this guy. For no reason. All this guy did was build the animation based on data given him.
This video animation must be devastating to the prosecution.
Yeah, nice guy getting beat up and his work insulted for no reason. Mantei looked liked a real jerk for attacking his credentials. This guy is being called by the defense. Isn’t his job to make the defense look good?
The animation guy seems like a nice guy doing the job he was hired to do. Unfortunately, he’s not very articulate.
But Matei is, in the big picture, arguing against his own case. If the animation guy can’t, according to Matei accurately depict who was where and who did what, then how can he, as the prosecutor, have any theory of the case. Matei has been telling the animation guy “you don’t know who was where when because your animation isn’t based on testimony”. But Matei doesn’t know exactly, either. The animation guy has been updating and modifying his video according to the testimony coming from the defense attorneys. Ummmm, Matei, this IS the defense’s case being presented.
My two cents worth: I just don’t see how the video comes in as for anything other than demonstrative purposes. Otherwise, you’d have to have each witness, including Zimmerman1?, come into court, look at the vid, and testify, “yes that’s what I saw.” Its more of an authentication issue.
I agree. The video would necessarily need to pick and choose which witness’s testimony to animate (Sudyka vs. Good/forensics, etc.). That is the job of the jury to decide.
Should be fine to use as a demonstration during closing arguments to illustrate the defense’s theory. Annotations reflecting the various witness statements and the time line would be powerful in putting it all together for the jury.
Please pray that the judge lets this video come in so that this poor guy, and others like him, will not be subjected to this BS again in the future! I can’t take it anymore!!!!!
This animator may have produced a great video, but he certainly would be a lousy witness on cross examination. The judge will do the defense a favor if she disallows it.
That’s what I have been thinking.
He seems nervous and intimidated by mantei.
He has seemed nervous to me the whole time he’s been talking. Even this morning while he was answering MOM’s questions, I thought I heard his voice quavering a bit. I finally decided it was just how his voice is, but I could be wrong.
Shumaker has been seriously ill and has just recovered enough to do this animation job.
That would certainly be a good excuse for a little quaver in his voice.
I mean that and the fact he is testifying in a criminal trial that is being broadcast across the country where a man could end up going to jail for up to 30 years and that man has hired you to help him in his defense. I mean why the hell is this guy nervous?
I feel horrible for this guy. He’s doing his job and trying to make a living. Mantei is just being a total assclown.
@Exiliado This is not a confrontational kind of person. He is just trying to be honest and do his job.
The fact that Matei is arguing there’s no way to know who was where doing what while so-and-so was talking or doing such-and-such undermines the requirement that the State present what happened because that is the crux of their claim that TM was shot in cold blood, not as a matter of self-defense.
I meant to add that Mantei may have walked into a trap set by MOM.
Perhaps MOM can read back some of Mantei’s questions to the animaton guy about how could he possibly know who was where when, etc..
I think Mantei doesn’t want the animation for several reasons, but most of all to push the defense into having GZ testify about who was where, when, etc..
You know, this animator has hit on something I’ve been wondering about too. There have been several times in this trial where a question has started with “Are you aware that (X) happened or (Y) testified to such-and-such in this courtroom during the course of this trial?” I’ve sort of wanted to hear someone say “How the hell could I know that when you’ve got us all sequestered?”
This guy needs to grow some chops if he expects to keep making payments on that fancy equipment, though. Mantei’s being a twerp but he shouldn’t be THAT hard to put into his place. Too bad Schumaker hasn’t been allowed to watch all of the trial presentation so far- I’d love for him to come back with something like “Look, bub, my video is no more based on a figment of the imagination than the pixie dust YOU’ve been trying to sell for the past few weeks.”
Where I’m from, experts can sit in at trial an base their opinions on evidence admitted at the trial. Why was he sequestered if he wasn’t a fact witness?
Having the expert witnesses present during the presentation of the evidence they are basing their expert opinions on makes sense to me. That is kinda the whole point in having expert witnesses, to aid in the technical interpretation of the evidence so the jury can better understand what was presented.
The defense should withdraw its request to admit the animation. (Tomorrow morning.)
And I hope Mantei’s questioning goes viral.
I have to say, I’m pro-defense, but this animation evidence sounds like bullshit that can easily eclipse actual evidence and should probably not be admitted under Daubert, Frye, or almost any other standard. This kind of evidence is useful when you’re reconstructing an accident or showing bullet trajectory, but here it seems kind of fanciful.
Ok, I think trying to get his animation is just a waste of time. The State basically made Zimmerman’s case for him, this is especially evidenced by how pissed Angela Corey looks. The animation just isn’t necessary anymore, IMHO. Also, the guy who is testifying for the video is so obviously not prepared. Nix the animation and move on.
Do you really feel “The State basically made Zimmerman’s case for him”? At this point I have no idea what the state’s case is. MOM and West made the defense case. And they did a great job.
Ok, but they basically did it using the states witnesses.
I’m starting to wonder if Mantei’s going to question him on every single data point until the defense just gets sick of it and withdraws the animation.
I thought just now, as I was typing this, that Nelson was going to step in and put a stop to this stupidity, but she just wanted the animation up on the video screen. 😐
I have no idea what the legal standard is in FL for admissibility of reconstruction evidence. Can anyone provide a cite or other information on that subject?
“…reconstructed evidence…” is an oxymoron is there ever was one. I do not understand how is is allowed for either side of any case. You have a shred of testimony layered over by a slathering of subjective analysis…and we call THAT “evidence?”
I do not understand why the defense thinks it needs to include the animation …. good Lord, they’ve made their case and in my mind the prosecution has nothing, has proven nothing, and barely stays in the game with conjecture. In the future the name “Mantei” will be the equivalent of “conjecture”…especially if you grin like an idiot and act dismissive.
Anybody else want to give Mantei an atomic wedgie?
And touch him? No.
If you bend him over, and I can use an M-79 grenade launcher.
Now is the time for a demonstration of “ground and pound.”
I don’t get it. If you wanted to put a photo of the crime scene into evidence, you wouldn’t bring in a camera expert. You’d bring in a witness to testify, “yes, that photo accurately depicts the crime scene on the day of the crime.”
Well, if this recreation is not allowed, NO recreation should ever be allowed.
As I said earlier…”recreation” = “imagination” more or less, not “evidence.” Should never be allowed and if allowed here may burn the defense unintentionally…an impartial jury sees a “cartoon” not “evidence.” I really like O’Mara and West, and the defense case they’ve made, but this folly baffles me.
Oh, the shell casing!
Finally, the one bullet that hit JFK, killing him in November 1963, has “landed.” In Florida. From? Who knows where?
Why didn’t the State have it’s own expert who could have filed their version? And, of course. Taking into account how long the signle bullet theory has been circling round and round.
If this trial was actually about finding the truth, and making sure justice is done, I don’t see why an animated reconstruction should not be allowed.
All that would be needed to do is ensure that everything that’s in the animation is in line with the testimonies of the witnesses and the reports of the scene experts.
Both sides would have to watch the video, raise their concerns, have the expert adjust, and then let the jury watch it.
However, we all know this is not about justice and definitely not about the truth. Hence, we need to ask ourselves:
Which party would benefit from not having the jurors “see” all the events/evidence put together in a recreation?
Makes me think…. and I find the answer scary.
What if Chantal turns into a Cat 4 hurricane bearing down on Central Florida? Can the judge still hold the jurors? Can you imagine what happens if there is substantial damage to the area (like from Charlie in 2004 or 2005)
Her name was Jeantel and has it even been confirmed that the defense will call her back to the stand.
MAPTX is talking about a Tropical Storm named Chantal.
Haha I know, it was a joke. Arguably insensitive, but I’d say funny nonetheless.
it was funny, but not as funny as the ones retweeted by Branca and Tennis, congrats on having such high falutin’ eye candy (tennis not branca 🙂 ) post your tweet
They are inland and weather tropical doesn’t bother Floridians a whole lot except on the coast.
Hurricane Charlie in 2004 crossed the state from the gulf coast thru Orlando to Daytona where it became Cat 1, turned north, and went up the Atlantic coast thru the town I live in. Anything is possible.
Frances and Jeanne went inland that year as well, crossing from east to west. They don’t all just track neatly along the coast like the very early (4-6 days out) “cones” usually suggest they should.
The house I grew up in, my dad’s house and the Inlaws all lost power for days in Charlie……while inland damage is rare it happens and what better time to happen again than now LOL
As a coastal-dweller, I’m cool with Chantal taking a jog to the left and going inland rather than coming on up my way 🙂
The prosecution is lucky their witnesses didn’t have to go through this.
MOM is fed up with the constant objections. I don’t blame him. The jury isn’t present. Why the histrionics? Ask the questions and get the ruling.
I’m concerned about that 40 feet – how did the fight get from the sidewalk T to the place where Good saw them and TM was shot?
Forty feet is about twelve paces. Fights are not static events. I see your point, but don’t think it will be an issue due to the dynamics of a scuffle.
I really like O’Mara, but he is asking this guy to change the recreation tonight because of input from the judge, referencing her notes, and she is unsure of what the hell she is asking. FloriDUH! Again…
Yep. More subjective nonsense in a non-evidential piece of crap cartoon. Now the Judge gets to input opinion in to the animation? Jesus H C on a crack trip. It can only hurt the defense.
I think what Mr. Shumaker is doing will probably one day become standard. He could be kinda pioneering a new industry within the courts and legal system.
There is a big difference between an analysis of isolated pieces of evidence and an analysis of the whole process or event where you can “see” exactly where each piece fits and how al the pieces interact with each other.
Yes, by gosh…it will be just perfect for our show trials of our future. Now we assume a jury can’t piece together a scenario, so we go all Walt Disney on them and do it for them?
At this point it looks like both the Judge and the Prosecution wants a mistrial!!!!
so does the animator need to put in the anthropomorphic “attacking” trees and branches?
The “Whomping Willow”?
‘Live’ Oaks are native to that area.
must’ve been the “creepy-ass kracka crepe myrtle”
Slapped by a palm? (groan!)
that went a COMPLETELY diff direction 🙂
I wish I could see the animation again.
I thought I saw a tree trying to swing a branch at Zimmerman. That would definitely explain the broke nose (without upsetting the heart bleeding trayvonites).
Can they bring the tree into the courtroom and let it have a go at Mantei?
I bet kids used to steal his lunch money all the time….
For the looks of it, he is taking revenge for every bully that ate his lunch on the poor Shumaker.
Mantei is a creepy ass cracker but I think better of the judge as time goes by. She is a worker, I’ll give her that. She keeps moving things along and I appreciate her concern for the jury. Yeah it is about GZ’s life, I get that, but it is all on them in the end and they will likely do a better job if this does not grind on and on. If they do a good job GZ goes home a free man.
Where should George move? I say East Tennessee.
I suggested next to the Palin family the other day.
He’d be safe there.
Uh oh!!!
O’Mara just got busted for meeting with Good while he was still under sequestration!
I hope this isn’t a game changer.
I also hope the defense has a nice simple map and timeline in case this video animation is not accepted.
The only thing they really need to get in that hasn’t been brought up yet, is where Trayvon was staying and why he didn’t just head/stay home in the 40 plus seconds he had after he started running.
That seems to be the crucial point to me, the rest of this is just not necessary.
In Texas, attorneys can discuss the case with witnesses.
No harm; no foul.
who cares what they do in texas?
Well, quite a large body of very fine trial lawyers, for one.
if you’re a lawyer, they must have a low bar for qualifications. And given it’s Texas, it’s already a low bar for IQ, so….
hey rags, is there a diff between a witness such as Good who was both a pros. and def. witness, and one that is still on the stand and under oath such as Diamond Dee-Dee when she was called back for a second day?
Can’t speak with authority as to Florida, but generally, YOUR witness (one you are sponsoring) during your case-in-chief is to be interrogated with non-leading questions, if that’s what you mean.
sorry, my bad…i meant as respect to this specific topic…Dee-Dee was told not to discuss the case during recess for the night, but of course lawyers can talk to their witnesses..i think that was his initial confusion—and mine
you can’t speak with authority as to anything.
I hope you are right, but Nelson didn’t seem too happy about it.
the alternative would be that the State could call every defense witness and say “nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa” you can’t talk to your witnesses
Florida could have a rule restricting talking to a witness, so I dunno.
HOWEVER, as a general proposition, an attorney is allowed to meet with ANY witness they chose to, but ESPECIALLY one they are sponsoring as their own.
Think of the effects if a prosecution witness could not be interviewed by the defense, or vice-versa.
I think this was different though.
Good met with this animation guy and OMara while he was still under sequestration as a witness.
I am thinking it is something like when she told Dee Dee she wasn’t to anybody.
I don’t know though. Sounds like you didn’t actually see it, right?
Nelson was NOT pleased.
I am sure we will hear more.
Yea for Texas! My state, too! Was born here, never lived anyplace else.
Exactly the same thing is bothering me…why no one is making an issue of time, distance and how Martin got back to the “tee” from in front of his place of staying.
Mantei is making funny faces and gestures as he asks his questions. Looks like he is bullying or making fun of the witness.
Is this a technique prosecutors (and lawyers in general) use to upset witnesses and throw them out of their line of thought?
Yes. It also throws signals to the jury.
One of the signals is, “I’m a total smart-ass” unless you do it carefully and with their permission.
The jury has been excused.
I wonder what can happen if a witness tell him:
Sir, are you making fun of me? I am here testifying in good faith as an expert and I expect respect.
This has been bugging me through-out — what is with all this re-crossing and sur-direct! They are really lose down there.
Been away at a new client intake conference.
SOOooooo… Shrewd guess, Dr. Defense did really well on cross…?
Yes or no?
You mean Dr. Vincent Di Maio? He was great on cross.
Not only did he do well, he also provided several furlongs of doucherope for Mantei’s own hanging.
I don’t like this idea of using a computer animation as evidence. It either matches the actual evidence or doesn’t. How is the jury supposed to tell what aspects of the video are extraneous interpretation and what is actually fact based. A jury might watch the video as evidence and then combine some arbitrary choice the animator made with some real evidence to deduce some true testimony is false, or false true. The animation is really only one theory about what happened. They should be told that, and also told to decide if it fits the evidence presented.
Would someone please explain this crap to me? Why is O’Mara fighting this issue so hard? Why is the Judge testifying about what is in her notes and trying to influence this issue so much? I am completely lost, it makes no sense to me… What am I missing?
Through his questioning, Mantei basically demonstrated reasonable doubt inasmuch as he repeatedly pointed out that pertinent details aren’t knowable and haven’t been testified to, especially relating to the timing of events.
The judge has done as much herself as well.
That’s the way I see it.
My question is:
Why is the prosecution fighting so hard to exclude it?
Maybe because it might spark the defense to call GZ to the stand? Maybe they also just don’t want the jury to have a visual memory of what took place.
That was my point when I asked:
Which party would benefit from not having the jurors “see” all the events/evidence put together in a recreation?
You can see Nelson’s belligerence toward the defense on her face. Her animosity is palpable.
If the judge is asking things like “How do you know this or that detail of the defense”, where the hell was she with those questions when BdlR & Co. were pulling nonsense out of their asses claiming GZ did this or that?
Yes you can see it in her face and her “omissions” alright. If she allows the animation in, it will be because she is convinced it helps the prosecution. I just do not understand the defense on this “cartoon” bit [that IS what it is, like it or not]…it seemed like volunteering to fight with one hand tied behind their back…I had to quit watching the hearing.
Judges tend to be a conservative lot…meaning, they like to stay in the well-worn ruts.
They are made uncomfortable by innovation, and it is always a safer road to steer to keep to the old, and eschew the new.
However, it seems to me that the judge is somewhat impressed with the fanciness of the animation.
I think deep inside she wants to admit it, but I agree it would be only for demonstrative purposes, only to present the defense’s case on closing.
Mantei is arguing that THESE EXACT CIRCUMSTANCES haven’t been testified to…. well, DUH, NO CASE is exactly alike.
I get the feeling that the Judge wants to let this in, but she is still giving the prosecution EVERY opportunity to try and shoot it down.
The muted TV I have in the background just showed images of Amanda Barnes in a lime green wig; thank you so much Entertainment Tonight for some sanity in this world! (Sarc)
I think she’s going to let it in as demonstrative only, for use in closing arguments, but not as introduced evidence for the jury.
A boxer uses both fists. What is pros getting at?
Mantei is trying to prevent O’Mara from demonstrating the Zimmerman narrative, but he continues to present the Crump fictional narrative every chance he gets…with every cross examination, etc. with wisecracks, sarcasm, emotionality, pathos dramatizations.
He and Bernie call Zimmerman a murderer every time they possibly can. Poisonous words/talking points that they use to sway the jury (and the masses threatening to riot).
This is an ugly inequity.
The Prosecution uses prejudicial words and statements at every opportunity.
Mantei, Guy and dela Rionda can state the prosecution’s claims and theories, but O’Mara and West can’t state Zimmerman’s Self Defense claims.
This is WRONG.
Having this trial is wrong in the first place.
Florida law is very clear in this point, hence the need for a fraudulent probable cause affidavit.
The court is pretty empty. Mantei is arguing why the stills from the animation should not come in … And, the camera moves all the way back. There are 12 chairs (or more) in what I’d call the “jury box.” And, there’s no evidence anyone takes notes. Because the seats are clean on their “bottoms.” Nobody layed a note pad down for t’marra.
As to one comment from the “Tennis” lady … whose tweets are readable below the “live” broadcast. In this particular “tweet” she said “it was selfish, but she’d like Nelson to NOT allow in this animation.” Are we in “reversal territory?” I’ve never seen a judge go on this long. Nelson really hates O’Mara.
Your stream of consciousness comments are mindbending to read.
First, it looked to me like there were notepads on the chairs. But if there aren’t any right now, that’s because a court officer collected them. You don’t think they just leave them on the chairs overnight, do you? Using that as evidence that nobody takes notes is just ludicrous. It’s a completely irrational conclusion.
Second, about the Diana Tennis tweets, what is your point? You said, “As to one comment from the “Tennis” lady … whose tweets are readable below the “live” broadcast. In this particular “tweet” she said “it was selfish, but she’d like Nelson to NOT allow in this animation.”” And? What’s your question? I wouldn’t put to much stock in what Diana Tennis says, as she was a little goofy at the start of the trial, and it’s gotten steadily worse. She’s said at least three jaw-droppingly stupid things today alone.
“Are we in “reversal territory?”” For what reason? That’s an incredibly general question.
“I’ve never seen a judge go on this long.” How much experience do you have watching judges? It seems to me she’s giving a thorough hearing to this issue. If it’s past your bedtime, feel free to tune out.
“Nelson really hates O’Mara.” This is just stupid. They have an occasionally adversarial professional relationship. Nothing more needs to be read into it. They may disagree, but I seriously doubt it rises to the level of personal animosity for either one of them.
Look at the spectators. It’s hilarious.
Sad, but true:
The same folks who say it’s preposterous that a sweet little boy may be prone to random violence are now posting videos (via the police, no less) asking for random sweet little boys NOT TO BE VIOLENT if a not guilty verdict is announced.
The soft bigotry of low expectations?
I sure hope they have a witness to talk about Trayvon’s use of drugs and the effects of those on his mental state and behavior (aggression and paranoia).
This judge loses control of her courtroom very often. I think thats b/c she lets prosecutors to go on about a matter and then when defense goes to rebut it she denies them the chance and then chaos starts.
Mantei is an example of where we get our elected officials. Prosecutor to DA to AG to Governor to Congress to private island and unlimited wealth.
This Judge is a travesty. Bias should never be this obvious and disrespectful of officers of the court. Judge Nelson, it’s time for you to retire.
Why is the judge going so long into the day. Doesn’t the defense deserve every chance to prove it’s case, without rushing through it. Defense never should have told judge they thought they’d finish on Wed. now she’ll stick to that even if they go all night.
TM must have copied texts and other items to a microSD card he wanted to save.
I think either Mommy, Daddy, or their attorney got a hold of TrayTray’s phone and tried to clean it up.
I think the prostitution did it.
Nelson has a hard on for West. She treats Mantei like a favored son.
Are these the text messages they are referring to?
Yo srsly, bei Andrew Branca’s book, dawg, dat shits fo real. Got me 1 nd cnt wait 4 it 2 get 2 my crib.
These prosecutors are living in fantasyland. “There’s nothing in there about this”. What a lie. That is what it is all about.
This Judge is bizarre.
So much for a preponderance of the evidence.
Holy Shit!
A 7 year old could figure out what it took an expert almost a year to do?
Crazy stuff
I’m not an attorney, what do y’all think will come from the fireworks at the end of today?
Some three sided fireworks at the end, and it was obvious that Judge Nelson and others were under great stress after a marathon day. Her disdain for the evidence on TM’s phone was remarkable, suggesting any 7 year old might have broken the passwords and contaminated the evidence. Reversible errors in abundance.
This is ridiculous. How in blue blazes is the defense supposed to know what they will be doing tomorrow morning? The judge wants witnesses there so the jury can start at 9:00, and the defense doesn’t even know what he rulings will be.
The bias this judge is displaying is unbelievable.
The judge is too dense to realize that the photos and texts SELF-AUTHENTICATE. It was a picture taken of Trayvon BY THAT CAMERA. That picture was in a DOULBE LAYERED password protected hidden file. Included were te texts about fighting.
If it is a photo taken BY THAT CAMERA of Trayon, in a double protected hidden file, and the phone was in his possession, how convoluted do you have to be to think someone else was doing all that and not Martin?
Reversible error is what I see.
Yes, the case law she was quoting said just an email address or telephone # is not enough to authenticate. Agreed. But what about a double password protected hidden program?!?!? Come on!
That is the whole purpose of the hidden, password protected program is that NOBODY but the owner can access it, or even know it is there.
Pretty obvious how she is going to rule…. And I call BS!
To top it all off, she was adamant that court would resume in just 10 hours, allowing the defense no time to shower, much less to prepare their questions or coordinate their witnesses. West and O’Mara were visibly upset at that lack of consideration.
After such prolonged exposure to Mantei, a shower ought to be a civil right.
I gave Mantei the benefit of the doubt initially. Now I realize he is as big a dirtbag as anyone on the prosecution.
The prostitution is nothing but dirtbags.
They should be upset. A man is on trial for second degree murder due to political pressure. He deserves a good defense.
That was quite the dramatic ending!
Well, see you guys in 10 hours!