Off to Israel late tonight.
My itinerary is something along the lines of Tel Aviv-Jerusalem-Tiberias-Golan Heights/TheNorth.
I’m scheduled to meet some really interesting people, so there likely will be some posts from me while I’m away. (In addition to some prescheduled posts, and well, I do have a 10 hour flight on which I have to keep busy.)
And yes, I will bore you with photos of my trip. I promise, though, not to horrify you with photos of me in a Speedo on the beach.
In what is sure to be very emotional, I’m reconnecting with a refusenik family I was close to while a student in Moscow in 1980.
Until I return at the end of the month, Mandy is wielding the hammer here, MMA style. Contact her with any blog technical problems.
Please behave while we’re gone. This is the first trip mom and dad have taken in a long time. Mandy is the boss of you until we get back.
The usual suspects contributors will continue posting, and several bloggers generously have agreed to pitch in:
- Fuzzy Slippers of Fuzzy Logic is coming out of Legal Insurrection retirement.
- Jean at Neo-Neocon
- Pat at And So It Goes In Shreveport
- Plus one or two other guest bloggers.
- (update) Bryan also is coming out of Legal Insurrection retirement.
Be sure to thank them all for helping out, and bookmark their blogs.
Next week in Jerusalem.
I’ll be in Israel as John Kerry and the EU turn up the pressure for Israel to re-divide the city.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Burning question: did Saudi Arabia airlines refuse to sell you a ticket?
Eh, safe trip, take lots of pictures, and eat lots of good food!
Mom & Dad gone for two weeks?
Bon voyage, mon frere.
G-d be with you, Professor.
I want to see LOTS of pictures
Have a safe trip, and I’ll include you in my prayers.
Godspeed and enjoy the new acquaintances you will make and the old ones you renew. Most of all, bless your mother and father and their journey with you. Next week in Jerusalem indeed.
FYI- Right now JFK/EWR have no delays. Tonight who knows. Happy Trails.
have a great trip Professor an don’t do anything we LI folks wouldn’t do
What, and you didn’t choose “Oh Mandy” for the video of the day.
Safe trip. Praying for the peace of Jerusalem. God’s Speed you Prof. Remember there, it is a local call to the Almighty.
Have a safe trip!
Prayers for you both.
Safe & enjoyable trip, Prof.
Hey prof… Punch Kerry in the nose for me, OK?
No, please don’t. He’d demand a medal for it.
That’s alright if he gets one. He can always throw it away later.
Well you came and you gave without taking
And I sent you away, oh Mandy
And you kissed me and stopped me from shaking
And I need you today, oh Mandy
Hey – SOMEONE had to do it !
Be Safe! Umm, safer in Israel then/than (pick one) here in the States. Traffic alone makes ya’ UNSAFE..Geez..
Will Jean Luc Carry be there while you are? If so I hope
you toss some magic berets and REAL medals at that POS.
What happened to his wife tareezah on deathbed story anyway?
Pack some Vit C and lots of water to counter fantastic reunion with Russian droogs, no doubt they have retained the tradition of bottle opened/drained rule
Godspeed and rethink that speedo moratorium!
P.S. Mandy I sure hope you aren’t going to copy/paste
the tweeters vs posting real news/insights.
The twitter thing is just a thing to twitters.
My 2cents anyway.
Professor, You have mentioned, every once in a while, that you were in Moscow in the 1980’s. Could you tell us more about that? Student? Tourist? Activist? Traveling through or living there? Forgive me if you have written on you adventures there already and I have not read it. Thank you.
Visited three times as student. January 1979. Jan-May 1980 (in Moscow). Summer 1984. Traveled extensively throughout the country from Armenia and Georgia in the south, to the “stans” in the East, Ukraine, Estonia, and of course Moscow/Leningrad.
“I am the man who accompanied Mrs. Jacobson to Israel, and I have enjoyed it.”
Have a safe trip!
While you’re in the north, try to visit the Valley of Tears site, where the 7th Brigade and the Barak Armored Brigade essentially saved Israel in 1973. I had the opportunity to drive and walk the battlefield with a couple of the veterans, who described their roles in the massive tank battle. It was literally a fight for survival of a nation.
Like all battlefields, there is a mysterious, haunting quality to it. You can almost feel a presence in the wind. The wide open vistas lend themselves to powerful, evocative imagery of burning tanks, advancing lines of Syrian AFVs and APCs, all bent on eradication of Israel, of desperate stands by 2 or 3 aging Israeli Centurions holding off a hundred or more newer, more powerful Soviet-built main battle tanks.
Yes, go and see.
I’d suggest to anyone who’s interested, read “Eve of Destruction” by Howard Blum.
Thank you for reminding me, there’s a really good book by one of the tank commanders, can’t remember his name.
Have a wonderful vacation!
Wow, Neo-neocon? That’s excellent. Fuzzy sounds interesting as well.
Have a good trip, Professor.
Gahhh, so jealous. Have a great time Prof. look forward to the pic’s.
Have a great time and please post some pictures.
Have a safe and fulfilling trip, professor.