Good morning, Tel Aviv

We landed late on Saturday in a very uneventful overnight trip non-stop from JFK.

The first day or two are going to be time adjustment days, since Israel is 7 hours ahead now.

We walked around Tel Aviv from the central area (near the Hadima Theater) where we are staying past the Carmel market.  Some vendor told me that he had the best dates and figs in all of Israel, and I believed him!

(Carmel Market Tel Aviv)

We then walked through some of the older sections, but you can’t escape the contrast with old and new, as skyscrapers are in the distance and construction (both new skyscrapers and renovations of older sections) are everywhere.

(Old section of Tel Aviv with skyscraper construction in background)

(Old section of Tel Aviv with skyscraper in background)

Finally we headed to Jaffa along the beach.

(Tel Aviv Beach Looking North From Jaffa)

This photo was trickier to properly crop than you think.  It’s true what they say, the Mediterranean adds 10 lbs to every picture, but I think I managed to cut most of that out.

(Me on the beach in Tel Aviv)

And in the seventh hour of walking, we rested.

Tags: Israel, Israel Trip 2013