Egypt Updates | Mohammed Morsi | Live Video Streaming
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Egypt Countdown LIVE (Update – Military takes control)(Update No. 2 – Morsi removed from power)

Egypt Countdown LIVE (Update – Military takes control)(Update No. 2 – Morsi removed from power)

Update No. 2Morsi removed from power by military in Egypt


The military’s ultimatum to Mohamed Morsi expires soon.

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[…] Update — live video feed and updates moved to Egypt Countdown LIVE. […]

Uncle Samuel | July 3, 2013 at 9:48 am

Figuring out who’s who among the Islamists in Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq is extremely difficult.

Islamists bomb, burn and shoot each other in even greater numbers than they do the infidels and their holy days and mosques are centers of the most violence.

The Syrian Rebels are not necessarily Syrian or rebels in the real sense, they are a combination of Islamist fighters from all over the muslim world, EU, Asia, North and South America.

My best guess is that all this Arab Springs, oustings, wars, rebellions, protests and killings are just the same old Sunni vs Shiite war that started very soon after Mohammed died.

    Think of them in terms of Sunni vs Shia with Sufi thrown in for good measure. Then you might understand.

    It seems that there really are Muslims who do not want to be under religious domination. However we shall just wait and see.

Looks like the army is not bluffing.

    CPT. Charles in reply to Ragspierre. | July 3, 2013 at 10:40 am

    Never forget that the MB murdered Anwar Sadat, who is still regarded as a hero within the Egyptian military… I suspect that the military hasn’t forgotten.

    Let’s see what happens next…

Interesting. It was not that long ago that the media hailed the election of Morsi as a great step towards democracy and tolerance in the Middle East (as well as a major success for Obama). The ties between Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood were minimized or ignored, and to make matters worse the media never passed up an opportunity to take a swipe at Bush.

How times have changed! Gone are the sappy-happy reports praising Morsi for his supposed “moderation”. Now, the few media reports about Egypt that I have seen (and there are surprisingly few given the gravity of the situation) are downright neutral about the prospect of a military coup. Admit it: did any of you ever think the anti-military more-progressive-than-thou media would actually be receptive to Egyptian troops ousting a democratically-elected leader, even though Morsi is a genocidal Islamist snake?

Henry Hawkins | July 3, 2013 at 11:17 am

I just hope Obama is watching so he can learn what is meant by ‘drawing a red line’. It’s a teaching moment.

Given his empty threat regarding Syrian chemical weapons, I have changed the Obama motto SMART POWER to:


Well, never in my little people life, did I think the little people of Egypt would stand up to fascist Muslim brotherhood. I was wrong. Good luck to the brave demonstrators, except for you scumbags raping women.

Recently I verbally berated my Senator for his vote to send twenty F-16s to the Muslim Brotherhood. He responded that the F-16s went to the Egyptian military rather than the elected civilian government. Here in the U.S. we have civilian control of the military, but apparently that’s not the case in Egypt.

Media and Obama wrong again. Can’t say I’m sorry to see mud on both their faces for supporting MB. Good for the Egyptian people! I hope they achieve their version of democracy without interference now.

Juba Doobai! | July 3, 2013 at 12:35 pm

The revolution is being televised! Obama is watching the caliphate fall down around his big flapping bat ears.

Uncle Samuel | July 3, 2013 at 1:19 pm

Don’t over-romanticize the Egyptian protests.

100 More Rapes in Tahrir Square (some male rapes)

Islam is the problem, not terrorism, not radicalism, just plain historical consistent Islam.

[…] All is proceeding as I have foreseen!  Professor Jacobson of Legal Insurrection is following close, with live updates. […]

Cairo (CNN) — Egyptian President Mohamed Morsy “is no longer a part of the decision-making circle,” the state-run Al-Ahram newspaper said Wednesday, citing “a senior official source.”

“The president is no longer able to make any political decisions now and a decision has been taken to prevent leaders loyal to the current regime from traveling overseas until the General Command of the Armed Forces are finished formulating their expected statement,” it added.

Kudos to the Egyptian people for working hard to remove their arrogant, incompetent, anti-Semitic, muslim islamofascist dictatorial ruler.

If most Americans were that smart, we too could get rid of our “morsi.”

theduchessofkitty | July 3, 2013 at 2:57 pm

The American People must see what’s on this Tweet: a Big, Fat “F-U” to The One, and a big XOX to The American People.