5-year old cap gun offender can’t expunge his “record”

We’ve documented disciplinary action taken or threatened against young children who employed “weapons” at school like a pencil pointed like a gun, a Quarter-size Lego piece, a clear plastic toy gun, a Lego Gun, and a Nerf Gun, and who trashed talked other kids about a Bubble Gun and Nerf Gun.

And of course, the 7-year old Pop-Tart gun offender who lost his first appeal.

Add to it the 5-year old empty cap gun offender, who just was denied expungement of his suspension from his record, via WaPo (h/t Ed Driscoll and Daily Caller), Calvert officials decline to clear record of 5-year-old with cap gun:

Calvert County school officials on Friday denied a request to clear the school record of a 5-year-old boy who was suspended for bringing a cowboy-style cap gun onto a school bus last month.The kindergartner, who tucked the orange-tipped toy gun inside his backpack so that he could show it to a friend, was suspended May 29 for 10 days. After a disciplinary conference that scaled back his punishment to three days, he returned to Dowell Elementary School in Lusby. A request to remove the offense from his record was considered separately.That request was turned down in a letter dated Friday on grounds that the child “did bring a cap gun in his book bag” and that an investigation showed that some students were afraid and did not know if the gun was fake or real. The Washington Post generally does not identify juveniles accused of wrongdoing.“I’m disappointed that we can’t bring an end to this,” said the boy’s mother, who is a teacher in Calvert. “Now we have to continue on.”

Tags: 2nd Amendment


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