By way of brief background, Emily Miller has been trying to obtain documents from various branches of government in the District of Columbia regarding the investigation of and decision not to prosecute David Gregory for a clear violation of the D.C. handgun laws.
Legal Insurrection also has been seeking documents, and we were forced to sue the D.C. Attorney General’s Office (Irvin Nathan) and Metropolitan Police Deparment, Legal Insurrection and Judicial Watch file suit to obtain David Gregory gun law violation documents.
We previously wrote about Miller’s quest, Emily Miller uncovers D.C. AG “dirty tricks” in withholding David Gregory docs. In that post, Miller recounts how a key letter to OAG from Gregory’s attorney which OAG refused to produce to Legal Insurrection on the ground that it was exempt from FOIA already had been given to Miller. This is bad faith to inconsistently invoke FOIA exemptions depending upon who the requester is.
Now Miller has a follow up, D.C. mayor was in on David Gregory coverup in Part III of investigation. As Miller recounts, the D.C. Mayor’s Office denied have any documents responsive to her FOIA request, but after she persisted, all of the sudden the Mayor’s office “found” the documents but still refused to produce them:
On April 22, I emailed again: “I’ve waited three weeks for you to respond to my last email, so I know whether I need to escalate this request.”
Six hours later, she responded with a second FOIA letter, this one containing new information that she had attempted to hide on the first round.
Ms. DeVillier reiterated that the information I wanted would come from the police and the prosecutor, then added: “However, at your request, an additional search was conducted within [the mayor’s office] that yielded electronic mail documents responsive to your request.” But, this new discovery was still being withheld from the public.
The mayor refused to turn over three emails between his spokesman, Pedro Ribeiro, and the communications office staff due to the “deliberative process.” Claiming attorney-client privilege, he did not turn over three email chains between his chief of staff, Christopher Murphy, and D.C. Attorney General Irvin Nathan and two email chains between Mr. Nathan, Mr. Murphy and the Mr. Ribeiro.
Now that’s interesting to me. Because Legal Insurrection’s FOIA request included in its scope the communications being withheld from Miller, but neither OAG nor MPD told us they were withholding those documents.
They also did not tell us they were withholding a Warrant and supporting Affidavit, they just didn’t give it to us but we noticed it referenced in emails. Such have been the tactics. We can only wonder what else has been withheld that we have not been told about.
Miller goes on to quote me:
The Legal Insurrection blog has been trying to get all the documents surrounding the David Gregory case for almost six months. The blog’s lead author William A. Jacobson told me that his FOIA requests have not been fulfilled. Judicial Watch filed a FOIA lawsuit against the city on behalf of Mr. Jacobson’s legal blog.
“We want to know who did what and when as to obtaining the illegal ammunition magazine, the full details of the investigation culminating in the presentation by MPD of a warrant and supporting affidavit,” Mr. Jacobson told me. The Cornell law professor also wants the city to hand over “all communications internally and with David Gregory’s attorneys culminating in the decision not to prosecute.”
What’s going on here? Why is D.C. government hiding the ball on the Gregory documents, and stalling as much as possible?
I think someone on Twitter had it right:
@leginsurrection @washtimes stalling makes the story less potent over time…and allows them to say you’re crazy.
— Lenins Barber (@LeninsBarber) May 20, 2013

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And if you’re crazy you ought not own a firearm. You’re in deep, son.
Given the history of the Mayor’s office in DC, I’d say the swamp rats are in charge and you’re not going to get anywhere with this lawsuit, but we do hold onto hope that this will change.
Keep up the pressure!
But, Prof., Gregory is one of the RIGHT people.
We see him at all the right parties, with all the very best people.
Some guy in DC shoots and kills a pitbull, saving a young boys life in the process. For having an unregistered gun he’s fined $1000 in thanks. David Gregory gets a pass…go figure.
A selective rule of law with the intent to favor a preferred class. Quelle surprise!
Barber is right. Our memories tend to become incoherent with time. This effect is accelerated or exacerbated when our cognitive processes are saturated, especially with nonsensical or “irrelevant” input.
In the rest of America, sooner or later some judge is going to get tired of the obfuscation, declare some people in contempt, and appoint a special master to seek out the requested information.
The real scandal is that most citizens can’t afford to mount the sort of sustained fight the press or Judicial Watch can carry on, the continuing effort to keep the spotlight on the public officials (who hate light like a cockroach). In states and localities all across the country, officials trample all over FOIA laws and get away with it.
[…] » Emily Miller: “D.C. mayor was in on David Gregory coverup” – Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion […]
what is supposed to follow the colon?
“….I think someone on Twitter had it right: ”
don’t leave me hanging