Milton CVS robbed of painkillers, amphetamines:

Police are looking for the man who robbed the CVS on Bassett Street Saturday  afternoon.A man carrying what was described as a silver folding knife robbed the store  of about 1,200 Percocet pills and 500 amphetamines at about 4 p.m., according to  police radio broadcasts.The man was seen getting into an older model silver car with an Elizabeth Warren sticker on the back right bumper, according to police transmissions. The  driver, described as a woman, drove toward Granite Avenue.The robber was described as a clean-shaven white man in his mid-30s, with a  tattoo on at least one of his arms, wearing a gray T-shirt with the words  whiskey and rye on it with a dark long sleeve shirt underneath. Police  broadcasts also described him as wearing a black bandana or T-shirt on his head  that did not cover his face, blue jeans and black shoes. He was carrying a  purse-like black bag with a white cross and a red circle on it.

From the comments:

WAJ after-thought: Do we get a part of the loot since he’s bringing those stolen goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for? And does CVS now get to keep a bigger hunk of what it makes because it was not protected from marauding bands by police the rest of us paid for? Inquiring minds want to know.

Tags: Bumper Stickers, Elizabeth Warren