We previously noted how an active Twitter movement forced the mainstream media into covering the Gosnell trial, Infographic — Conservative Tweets Force MSM Coverage of #Gosnell.
Another pro-life group has released videos of clinics in the Bronx and District of Columbia, and it is getting mainstream newspaper coverage.
From The Washington Post, Antiabortion group releases videos of clinic workers discussing live births:
An antiabortion group that mounted a six-month undercover investigation has released videos this week that raise questions about what might happen to a baby as a result of an unsuccessful abortion.
One video features a D.C. doctor, Cesare Santangelo, who said that in the unlikely event that an abortion resulted in a live birth, “we would not help it.” Santangelo was answering repeated questions from an undercover operative about what would happen, hypothetically, if she gave birth after an unsuccessful abortion.
“I mean, technically, you know, legally, we would be obligated to help it, you know, to survive, but . . . it probably wouldn’t,” Santangelo is shown telling the woman, who was 24 weeks pregnant. “It’s all in how vigorously you do things to help a fetus survive at this point.” …
Another video released Sunday shows an unidentified worker in the Bronx saying the clinic would put the baby in a jar of “solution” that would cause it to stop breathing. Marjana Banzil, director of the Bronx clinic, said Friday she had not viewed the video but that any employee who would say such a thing was misinformed.
From The NY Times, Group Shows Covert Video of a Bronx Abortion Clinic:
When a pregnant woman posing as a patient asked what happens if the fetus accidentally “comes out” at home before the final procedure, a staff member replied, “If it comes out, it comes out. Flush it.”
The woman also asked what happens if the removed fetus is still “twitching” or “breathing.” The staff member said all aborted fetuses are placed in jars of solution and sent to a laboratory for weighing; if the fetus is still moving, “the solution will make it stop.”
The longer video shows that the staff member has been assigned to record the woman’s medical history, but is not an abortion counselor. In the same video, an abortion counselor gives the woman somewhat different explanations.
When the woman asks the counselor what will happen if the fetus emerges from the abortion breathing, the counselor explains that it is unlikely, but that the doctor will send it to a hospital or resuscitate it: “Once that pregnancy comes out alive, he will do everything he can to save it.”
The counselor also explains that the woman will not be dilated enough to accidentally deliver at home.

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I remember reading a few years ago that the Bronx is the abortion capital of the world. Among the hideous statistics: 60% of black children are aborted. Now, consider that 75% of black children who are allowed to live will not have a father in the home; so that’s 25% of 40% who WILL have a father, which I believe adds up to 10% of the total. That means if a black man in the Bronx gets a woman pregnant, there’s a 90% chance that he’s on the next bus out of town.
No race can survive numbers like that. Thanks to Maggie Sanger, the “Negro Project” is in full swing!
And every time I hear one of these horror stories (and they seem to be coming daily now) I just want to shout an enormous “Thanks for nothing” to the “fiscal conservatives” who think we should “avoid cultural issues.” You people are as damned as the devils in this video.
The problem is most certainly comprehensive. The solution proposed is population control through elective abortion. That addresses the symptoms, but ignores the causes: dreams of material, physical, and ego instant (or immediate) gratification without perceived consequences.
I think the correct choice is for the woman to be spayed and the man to be neutered. Neither a woman nor a man have the right to deprive another human being of their life without cause, and the State has no right to endorse this degenerate behavior without due process and consideration for equal protection. In fact, the State, and its agents, are obligated to prevent or curb exactly this class of behavior.
Liberty is only suitable for women, and men, who are capable of self-moderating, responsible behavior.
There are two issues here. The first is that we may disagree strongly on this issue and yet agree on others. The second is that “cultural” issues is more than abortion.
As a small, limited-government type my first interest is reducing the scope and power of the Federal Government and then the state and local governments. I couldn’t care less about who does what to whom in the bedroom (sodomy laws) and while I think that *marriage* is a religious sacrament the government exists, for among other reasons, to uphold contracts. (So I’m in favor of gay ‘civil marriages.’)
I don’t think that government should prevent birth control pills which some Catholics think is a form of abortion. I think Roe v Wade was a pathetic farce of a Supreme Court decision but I think it’s a very good *political* decision.
Allow abortions for the first trimester but prevent it after that. No absolutist on either side will be happy but welcome to the messy world of politics.
I would like to see social conservatives flip the table on pro-Choice people by pointing out that Roe v Wade doesn’t simply legalize abortion. It legalizes the first trimester and prevents late term abortions.
I counter the left by saying that if people have a right to their body that it means more than women having abortions but it also prevents seat-belt and motorcycle helmet laws, drug-laws and the like.
“I don’t think that government should prevent birth control pills which some Catholics think is a form of abortion. I think Roe v Wade was a pathetic farce of a Supreme Court decision but I think it’s a very good *political* decision.”
I am not familiar with any elected official, ever, who has advocated “preventing” birth control pills. “(S)ome Catholics” know that the science behind many birth control pills and devices is to prevent the implantation of a zygote–which devout, observant Catholics and science say is a teeny-tiny human being.
If you truly are a small, limited-government type, you know that the Supreme Court has no business whatsoever making “political” decisions. Roe v. Wade wasn’t the beginning, but a concerted effort by Planned Parenthood and the left over a period of many years to create a “right” to abortion as a right to “privacy”—go back and read Poe v. Ullman, Griswold v. Connecticut, Eisenstadt v. Baird.
“Allow abortions for the first trimester but prevent it after that. No absolutist on either side will be happy but welcome to the messy world of politics.” What is magical about the first trimester? Medical technology through EEGs has been able to read brainwaves in a baby 43 days after conception (about the time a woman thinks she really missed her period) since the early ’60s; the heart beats in a closed circulatory system at about day 23 and can be heard at 10 weeks gestation—a human heart with human DNA. Why draw the line at 12 weeks, when hands, arms, legs, feet, toes are fully formed? Absolutist? Politics? It’s damned difficult to be so sophisticated about a human being.
Where do you draw the line on euthanasia? Or is that somehow different?
(Where are the voting thumbs when I need them?)
If you truly are a small, limited-government type, you know that the Supreme Court has no business whatsoever making “political” decisions.
Roe v Wade was a horrible decision. I could not agree with you more that the Supreme Court ought not be making political decisions.
What is magical about the first trimester? Medical technology through EEGs has been able to read brainwaves in a baby 43 days after conception (about the time a woman thinks she really missed her period) since the early ’60s; the heart beats in a closed circulatory system at about day 23 and can be heard at 10 weeks gestation—a human heart with human DNA. Why draw the line at 12 weeks, when hands, arms, legs, feet, toes are fully formed? Absolutist? Politics? It’s damned difficult to be so sophisticated about a human being.
There is nothing magical about the first trimester. There are some people who think that life begins at conception with the zygote, others when the blastocsyst (sp) attaches it self to the uturine (sp) wall, and others who think that it starts at birth. And yet others who find it not that simple. For the most part *I* am an absolutist. I have a right to my own body and can do with it what I want. (This is a whole other tangent and lets no go there for brevity’s sake.) The corollary which applies to abortion is that there is conflict between the mother and zygote/fetus. But, this is complicated. It is more complicated than two individuals fighting over a scarce good. (Ex: Survivors of a shipwreck on a deserted island fighting over a water supply.) As an absolutist I would say that the choice is solely the mother’s and she can act as she pleases … until what point?
When I was in my 20s I argued that this point was up until birth. IE, I was a proponent of partial-birth abortion but quickly found this argument less and less convincing. The argument that led me to consider Roe v Wade as a good *political* decision was the “slippery-slope” argument. If killing a baby is killing a baby (hence murder) then why is killing a fetus 5 minutes before it would have born acceptable, especially as it would be able to live on its own.
I think that if a baby can live on its own it should not be terminated (killed/murdered). And yet I am against forcing a woman to carry the fetus to term. So, without this post becoming too long and complicated I am OK with abortion – up until the fetus can live on its own. (By the way that was one of the provisions of Roe v Wade.) At that time it gets more complicated. If the woman wants the fetus removed who pays for the medical care for keeping the child alive until it is ready to be adopted.
Where do you draw the line on euthanasia? Or is that somehow different?
The central part of this debate is when does life begin. Euthanasia is killing people who are not desirable. This is equal, in my mind, to Nazi concentration camps. (I’m assuming that you’re not including assisted suicide into the definition of euthanasia.)
God bless planned parenthood?
God bless the innocent lives lost and the people fighting to make this public. It’s abhorrent and abominable. It sickens me just reading about it. I couldn’t participate in a conversation about it without becoming enraged.
The internet and new media making more waves. I bet obama can’t stand it, people standing against his lefty movement.
“If not for prior #Gosnell Twitter campaign, would MSM be covering Bronx and D.C. revelations?”
Hell, no.
Are they covering those revelations now? Really…???
The only difference between Gosnell and many, many other abortionists is how clean they keep their facilities.
Obama and his ilk *want* this kind of behavior – we wouldn’t want women “burdened” with a baby who survived an abortion would we?
The whole abortion issue to me is one of the exercising personal responsibility and the liberal/progressive/democrat solution of abortion on demand.
It also chronicles the breakdown of basic moral mores in this country and the accompanying decline of the nation.
It’s just that simple…
Exactly. An act of premeditated murder, especially for the frivolous reasons of preserving personal wealth and welfare, is a crime against an individual, society, and humanity. The consequences of denying human dignity and devaluing human life are not restricted to a single, innocent human life prematurely aborted.
Liberty is only suitable for women, and men, capable of self-moderating, responsible behavior. The people who promise to fulfill dreams of material, physical, and ego instant (or immediate) gratification are deceiving people when they claim those dreams can be realized without consequences.
Our national charter recognizes that our unalienable Right to Life is from “creation.” This may be from conception. This may be from the first heart beat. This may also be from the emergence of consciousness (or brain activity), which coincides with the standard for establishing death. Our Constitution confirms equal protection rights for all men and women subject to its jurisdiction.
The Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and other pro-abortion groups have worked desperately to keep the Gosnell trial out of the news for exactly this reason: not that what Dr. Gosnell did was a horrific aberration, but that what he did was typical of what goes on at surgical abortion clinics.
How many of these clinics really, really draw the line at the state-mandated fetal age (24 weeks or wherever)? How many of them really, really err on the side of caution with fetal head diameter?
How many of them have the most reputable personnel? Remember Gosnell hired unlicensed doctors to be his assistants, and the facility hired nurses who couldn’t get jobs elsewhere. How many other abortion clinics are hiring the ‘cream of the crop’ from nursing and medical programs?
How many of them meet the stringent standards of cleanliness, antisepsis and record-keeping? Remember the pro-abortion types lobbied the state of Pennsylvania to stop inspecting clinics in that state. How many other abortion clinics could pass a proper white glove test?
How many other abortion clinics are clean in terms of billing? There’s a good one right there. I’d love to be able to match up records, bills and procedures done, particularly for insured patients.
The pro-abortion folks know that the Gosnell clinic isn’t an aberration. It’s typical. That’s why they want it out of the news.
Hey, the president is black! That cou ts more than how many black women slaughter their babies. Yo! The president is black! That counts more than the number of babies slaughtered in America everyday. You know. I mean, the president is black and he thinks God is a killer of babies, like Molech’s, you know, cos he says god (maybe the moon god) bless the baby killers, the murderers at Planned Baby Killing.
Obammolech will answer to the Creator G-d of Justice.
Indeed. He is one of those people who ask for justice. So, I hope he gets it in the end.
The lack of coverage is due more to fear of reaction than the reality.
Just like with horror movies – in Psycho, tea in the tub was horrifying, but today you have to show limbs being shorn by a chainsaw, hinting around doesn’t scare anyone any more. We’ve become inured to it, it no longer shocks us.
In the same way, once you accept the premise that killing little babies in the womb is okay, it’s just a few steps from there to mid-term to late-term to infanticide after birth. In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, “What difference does it make?”
YOU can do more, folks. The American Center for Law and Justice got a big victory in Texas a year ago for fraud against PLanned Parenthood.http://www.lifenews.com/2012/08/14/medicaid-fraud-lawsuit-against-planned-parenthood-gets-big-victory/
The most dangerous place in America for a black or a brown is in his mother’s womb.More babies have died than in any American war. G-d judges those who shed innocent blood.
Do SOMETHING! Pray, sign petitions, support ACLJ!
Beloved2, you know they will say you are a racist for declaring the truth about a black woman’s womb being the most dangerous place for a baby to be.
Are you familiar with Ryan Bomberger’s Radiance Foundation (theradiancefoundation.org) and their billboard campaign (toomanyaborted.com)?
It’s a gas chamber. I would politely ask that you refrain from asking its purpose and respect the privacy of its occupants. They were told that it was for their welfare. It was their choice.
The NY Times link says the story appeared on page A15 in the NY edition, so it wasn’t in any national editions. The story said Lila Rose/Live Action (Breitbart lives!) previously made videos to try to get PP government funds cut. This was the kicker for me, “The current law (as opposed to Cuomo Jr.’s support for on-demand-whenever) permits abortion after 24 weeks only if a woman’s life is in danger, although it is not enforced because federal court rulings have allowed less restrictive late-term abortions.” (I read that to mean that Gosnell-schmosnell—the court says there’s nothing wrong with it.)
The Post says Lila Rose seeks to “provoke,” and called the pregnant women in the films “operatives.” The story stated that “Barely 1 percent…” of abortions (“…perhaps 15,000…”) occur after 21 weeks, although who knows from where those statistics came. (Guttmacher Institute was mentioned earlier in the article, but the numbers mentioned are not attributed to anyone.)
Does “Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics” count as journalism nowadays??
What happened to the whole narrative that late-term abortions wouldn’t be done except to save the life or health of the mother, or if the fetus had such severe birth defects that it couldn’t live anyway?
The uncovering of criminal activity going on in these clinics and airing their revelations publicly is like shining a flashlight in a dark corner and seeing the cockroaches scurry. You just know, however, that there are more cockroaches than just the ones you saw fleeing.
Let us please stop calling them Planned Parenthood. Just call them what they do Planned Babykilling.
[…] the videos, courtesy https://legalinsurrection.com/2013/04/if-not-for-prior-gosnell-twitter-campaign-would-msm-be-covering… ”Flush it” and “…so it won’t come out in pieces…” and […]