Boston manhunt brought people together over desire to have a gun

This is a follow up to my post about the bitter Twitter action during the lock-down of Boston in the search for the bombers, Boston lock-down exposes gun culture divide.

The reaction to a tweet from an Arkansas state representative was particularly vigorous, revealing more about cultural perceptions (NSFW) than the usefulness of a gun.

It looks like the divide may be deep, but not very wide.  A substantial majority of people want to have a gun in their home if there is a manhunt ongoing.

Even a majority of Democrats and liberals wanted a gun.

Fox News poll: During a manhunt, 69 percent of voters want a gun:

On Friday, the nation watched as the Boston area went under lockdown during a  manhunt for the armed and dangerous marathon bombing suspect.  If you were  in that situation, would you want a gun at your side?Most  American voters say yes, according to a new Fox News poll.Sixty-nine percent say if they were in a situation similar to Bostonians,  they would want a gun in their house.That includes a large 88-percent majority of those in gun-owner households,  as well as 50 percent of those in non-gun homes.

Tags: 2nd Amendment, Boston Marathon Bombing, Terrorism