I really was hoping never to hear the name Graeme Zielinski again

Graeme Zielinski, Communications Director for the Wisconsin Democratic Party, was one of the key Democratic operatives behind the anti-Scott Walker intimidation campaign which we featured here so often around this time last year, Wisconsin’s long, strange trip.

Zielinski stood out from the usual protest operatives because of his aggressive tone and official position, Dems getting punchy:

Zielinksi said he didn’t literallly mean “punch,” although he did appear to mean it when he went after a reporter who wasn’t toeing the Democratic Party line, Wisconsin Dem Spokesman Threatens Reporter:

Graeme Zeilinski was upset that a WisconsinReporter.com reporter  noted in an interview with the Heritage Foundation think thank that Wisconsin  had, according to U.S. Department of Labor data, created nearly half of all the  new jobs created across the country in June.In an email titled “What Happens Next,” Zeilinski warned  WisconsinReporter.com that:“What happens next is that I contact the publishers and editors of the papers  that publish you as ‘unbiased,’ and let them know our deep concern about the  obvious bias that permeates your entire operation,” Zielinski states in his  email.“Then, we let our activists know which papers publish you, and they write the  publisher and editor. Then, we contact the Capitol press pool and let them know  about our concerns about your credentialing. And we continue on until you  actually admit to the truth of your operation.”

Zielinski has, among other things, accused Walker of helping defend someone accused of “boy rape.”  Remember, this guy is the spokesman for the Democratic Party in Wisconsin, not just some street hooligan.

With the recalls over, I was hoping never to hear that name again, but alas, Zielinski went off the deep end again after finding out that Scott Walker was not going to be charged in the so-called John Doe probe, which Democrats hoped would bring Walker down.

Via Twitchy, Wisc. Democratic Party spokesman compares Gov. Walker to serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer; Update: Tweets deleted, apology issued

Zielinski, after facing criticism even from Democrats, has deleted the tweets and apologized.

Uh huh.  I think we’ll be hearing more of this stuff in 2014.

Tags: Scott Walker, Wisconsin, Wisconsin Recall