Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a Crime Against Sanity

I have been sounding the warning siren about Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan for years.

His mask of moderation has been slipping steadily, if it ever was there.

He has engaged in repeated rants against Israel, and now he has gone the full distance reviving the vile and rebuked Zionism is Racism narrative made infamous in the 1975 UN Resolution, which subsequently was rescinded.

Via Times of Israel, Erdogan calls Zionism a ‘crime against humanity’:

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday described Zionism as a “crime against humanity” on par with anti-Semitism and fascism.

Speaking in Vienna at a United Nations event devoted to dialogue between the West and Islam, Erdogan decried rising racism in Europe and the fact that many Muslims “who live in countries other than their own” often face harsh discrimination.

“We should be striving to better understand the culture and beliefs of others, but instead we see that people act based on prejudice and exclude others and despise them,” Erdogan said, according to a simultaneous translation provided by the UN. “And that is why it is necessary that we must consider — just like Zionism or anti-Semitism or fascism — Islamophobia as a crime against humanity.”

The Turkish leader’s comments, made at the official opening of the fifth UN Alliance of Civilizations Global Forum, drew harsh criticism from UN Watch, a Geneva-based watchdog group monitoring anti-Israel bias and human rights abuses at the organization.

“Erdogan’s misuse of this global podium to incite hatred, and his resort to Ahmadinejad-style pronouncements appealing to the lowest common denominator in the Muslim world, will only strengthen the belief that his government is hewing to a confrontational stance, and fundamentally unwilling to end its four-year-old feud with Israel,” UN Watch said in a statement.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded on Twitter:

This guy Erdogan is the real deal, and I don’t mean that in a good way.

Tags: Antisemitism, Israel, Turkey