This is a follow up to yesterday’s Criminalize Fracking post.
Gimme Coffee is an Ithaca coffee roaster and something of an institution. For a mere $4 or thereabouts, you can have quite a good latte. The coffee happens to be excellent, but it comes with a heavy dollop of liberal political agenda on top.
A reader forwards this image he saw on Facebook and comments:
You’ve probably seen this, but just in case . . .
This photo was posted to Facebook, proudly displaying a bag of ‘Fracktivist‘ coffee on sale by Gimme Coffee.
How insufferably self-righteous.
How proud she is, in an ignorant, small way, to contribute to the continued economic depression wracking upstate New York, all the while keeping America dependent on the fossil-fuel friends of Al Gore.
Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Let them pay for their servitude out of their own pockets. Don’t buy their coffee so your money does not pay to keep America buying terrorist oil.
Really, they took the name/theme right from the President!
Good one. I almost chocked on my morning cup reading the comment.
Gimme, gimme, gimme ’cause Ah’s entitled I tell ya!
I’m afraid that the “gimme” crowed now exceeds 50% and that ain’t good…
Surely in the name of ‘fair share’ and being an ardent collectivist, she will give all the proceeds from that flavor coffee to those who will suffer unemployment due to a fracking ban. Right?
If you would like a good latte and would prefer to support a business that is not diametrically opposed to your political views, may I suggest you give The Ithaca Coffee Company a try. They’ve got two locations, one in Gateway Plaza at the bottom of State St. hill, and one in Triphammer Mall. I don’t work there, I just like to support businesses that don’t make me feel like I’m giving money to the enemy.
It appears you can order their coffee online and have it shipped.
I’m all for this girl pedaling a bicycle 24/7 to generate power for that coffee business. She could even go on Facebook while she is pedaling. She could also grind coffee beans with a Ronco attachment to her stationery bike.
What a fracking good idea!
Same here. Any of these protesters should be immediately taken off the customer list at the local electric and gas companies and denied the ability to purchase petroleum products anywhere in the US.
They of course, would not buy or use any product that has to be transported by means other than horse drawn carts, and the horse feed, parts of the cart and horse bridles would not have been made or transported with anything derived from petroleum.
Good luck buying a buggy whip.
Especially one that’s free range leather, from a non-animal, hand crafted by fair-trade persons of diverse and inclusive tolerances.
Human sized hamster wheel!
I applaud the North East’s continuing self-sacrifice so that Texas and South Dakota and other Conservative states can enjoy less competition (and higher prices) in selling oil and natural gas.
If you want to have fun, go in, buy a cup, and tell them you’re buying it to support them – you own stock in a couple of oil companies in Texas, and you really appreciate how they’re helping maintain a monopoly for you, so you can get incredible profits.
That should cause some cognitive dissonance – that they’re applauded for lining the pockets of Corporate Monopolies and Big Oil.
I like their hypocrite blend. That’s the one with coffee beans harvested by the youngest of child laborers, but still has a haughty liberal message printed on the bag.
From web site, “All of our coffee is roasted on one of our two antique (1950) Probat drum roasters — a GG45 and a LG5 -”
A little research shows that the Probat GG 45 and the LG5 run on either natural gas or propane with the proper conversion kit.
Can Gimme! Coffee ensure that the gas they use as fuel to roast their Fracktivist coffee was not supplied in some part by fracking? I wonder what the smug hipster brandishing her coffee bag say about this?
The environmentalist hypocrisy continues.
Bet OPEC is the chief proud sponsor of anti-fracking sentiment…of course, Democrats invest heavily in Islamist Oil.
The truth about Greenism isn’t pretty, safe or green.
Whole villages in China sickened and polluted by mining rare earths to produce solar panels.
Tons of toxic waste from producing solar panels.
Using corn to produce methane causes prices to go up, so poor people suffer.
Reusable bags do not save carbon units and can cause deaths, disease unless washed.
The whole global warming, climate change deal is part of a global tax scam.
Carbon police have destroyed fragile third world economies to fail, caused poverty and deaths of villagers.
Ultimately, hybrid cars use as much carbon as regular autos.
Organic isn’t necessarily healthier or safer than regular food.
Solar wind devices kill birds.
Fracking is not the cause of earthquakes or pollution not nearly as much effect on environment as green energy pursuits.
Ban Fracking! Leave New York In The Dark!
Hmm… I wonder where their coffee beans are grown. Selective outrage?
Coffee is racist.
“How would you like your coffee?”
“Nothing. No cream, no sugar.”
“You mean black? You equate ‘nothing’ with ‘black’?”
If you order it black, you’re also a homophobe…………
And if you order your coffee ‘blonde’ you’re a mysogynistic chauvinist pig. And a homophobe. And a racist.
If you order a coffee at all you’re just a pig.
I think Limbaugh expressed it well (under slightly different circumstances) when he employed the phrase “endless parade of human debris.”
Nothing like a large smug of Fracktivist.
didn’t see wut you done there at first…