ElizabethWarrenWiki.org nominated for #BlogBash award

It’s hard to believe it’s only been about three weeks since we launched ElizabethWarrenWiki.org.

The goal was, and remains, to bring together in one place the wealth of research conducted during the Senate campaign by numerous blogs and newspapers on Elizabeth Warren’s background, and then to update and expand that information.

It’s a one-stop research shop.

For example, rather than having to link to dozens of blog posts at multiple websites regarding Warren’s Cherokee controversy, you can link to a single page that tells the story with extensive sourcing.

And we’ve preserved some of the lesser known but interesting factoids, like her claim to have been the first nursing mother to take the New Jersey Bar exam, and some just plain funny stuff, like the famous Pow Wow Chow entries.

The search engines seem to like it.

The Wiki has generated a lot of interest and hostility.  If there’s one thing Warren’s most avid supporters seem to detest, it’s preserving history and facts which are at odds with the growing adulatory mythology of the rising star of the Democratic Party.

With all that, I’m glad to let you know that ElizabethWarrenWiki.org has been nominated for a research award at the 2013 Blog Bash event held off-site during the CPAC conference in March.

Be sure to check out the Blog Bash website, and hey, if you want to support your local bloggers, maybe throw them a few bucks since it is not part of CPAC and needs funding.

Also, we’ve opened a Facebook page for the Wiki.  It’s not that full of detail yet, but head over and “Like” the page so you can get notices when we add new information.

Tags: Elizabeth Warren