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Banana Joe was the star of #SOTU night

Banana Joe was the star of #SOTU night

Instead of watching the Lincoln Of Our Time give his 573rd Gettysburg Address-like speech, I watched the Westminster Kennel Club dog show.

Trust me, I made the right choice.

I did watch Marco Rubio, who gave a fine speech, and who took a sip of water during his speech and thereby proved how vapid and childish our media is (and frankly, even people on our side of the Twitter aisle who seized on it).

Rocky used to love watching dog shows, constantly trying to get in back of the TV to see where they were coming from.  The two lugs we have now just slept through it.

The star of the night was “GCH Banana Joe V Tani Kazari” a.k.a. “Banana Joe,” an Affenpinscher who took Best in Show:

Proving once again that dogs are better than people.


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Great minds think alike. I watched Westminster too, and actually just posted a comment about it in the tread about “Not Watching.” More appropriate for here, I’ll repost:

I watched a different Top Dog last night, Westminster Kennel Club. The winner there, an affenpinscher. Many similarities to Obama. Both spoke on command. Both pranced and preened. Both overjoyed at all the attention.

One of the two camps reported this today: “He was presented in immaculate manner,” “He was on the minute he walked in. …”

You decide, is that quote from Carney on Obama or a Westminster judge about the affenpinscher??

9thDistrictNeighbor | February 13, 2013 at 8:51 am

Water: the new squirrel.

Sarah Palin delivered some powerful 1-2 punch responses to the SOTU via Twitter:

Lovely little fellow. Lefty media has yet to discover that Affe means monkey in German.

Boy will the DO-DO hit the fan when they do a modicum of research.

This just might tick off, Ahmadinejad, too. If he doesn’t collide with an asteroid first..

was watching the dorner stuff most of night, had stream on site, had couple hundred viewing there.
when they swapped to sotu I swapped to hulu and south park LOL

Noblesse Oblige | February 13, 2013 at 9:32 am

You watched the right dogs.

2nd Ammendment Mother | February 13, 2013 at 10:01 am

I decided I really couldn’t afford to destroy a perfectly good television set, so we skipped the SOTU at our house too. My youngest was a bit startled, SOTU has been mandatory viewing since the kids were little. Instead I started a Northern Exposure marathon on Netflix. Hubby and I enjoy getting back to old series, watching the character and story development and missteps. Of course, there’s not much in the great northwest that doesn’t film well, so there is a lot of great technique to study.

But I’ve to to wonder how did that show ever survive the pilot episode?

I understand that princess barry mom pants has a bulldog shih tzu mix.

Just what I watched …saw the mutt that made 3 tries at a snack dropped on the floor before he was able to grab it …I enjoyed it and the wonder mutt watched it as well

Ok.. I am confused.. the tv news showed this winner.. the NY daily news showed another winner…

And I thought “Banana Joe” was a reference to Biden…