Rocky, a Border Terrier, passed on May 18, 2011 after 17 years of a life well lived, surrounded by family; beloved sister of Lola the Alaskan Sled Chihuahua, and Daisy, the Yorkie; primary disciplinarian of and caregiver for three human Jacobson children; never met a meal she didn’t like; world class digger; laughed at bad weather; ability to hang by her teeth from a rope exceeded human capacity to hold the rope; obsessed with tennis balls; resented being called a Border Collie; autopsy confirmed what family always knew, she didn’t have a mean bone in her body; now in doggie heaven; dearly missed already.
Update 5-19-2011: My wife and I wish to thank the readers for the wonderful comments.
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Oh dear. Deepest sympathies to you and your family on your loss. Being a dog lover myself, I can understand the agony of losing a much beloved pet. No. A family member! Rocky is playing ball with my three at Rainbow Bridge. God bless and a Christian Hug from Georgia.
Praying for y'all today.
Very sorry to hear it. It's tough to lose a family member.
Condolences for your family's loss.
🙁 Sorry for your loss. Few things are as pure as the love of a good dog.
Tis a sad day when a beloved pup dies. RIP.
I'm so so sorry. My dog is my heart. It hurts, but time heals. Sort of. xoxoxox
Would that many human beings warranted such an honorable memory. Zola Nyak of Copper Canyon.
Sorry to hear about Rocky. I understand they are family. Take care.
Fred the Pug and I offer our condolences on your family's loss.
Surprising how much a little animal engrains and endears itself into the fabric of a family.
Hopefully Rocky passed peacefully and you were spared the burden of responsibility of taking Rocky to the Vet one last time. I hate that.
I'm sorry, Professor. I've had pets over the years and I know how it hurts. Rocky certainly was a cutie. You were very lucky to have her for seventeen years.
Touching tribute.
Sympathize, Professor Jacobson.
Raise and show Pembroke Welsh Corgi's and Smooth Collies.
Know exactly where you and family are.
awwww, my condolences. It's so tough to lose a beloved pup. Take care
Requiescat in pace, Rocky.
Sorry to hear about Rocky. Condolences to you and your family.
Bingley the retired racing Greyhound and Magic the Scottish Deerhound/Greyhound mix join me in extending our sincere condolences. The loss of a faithful dog is numbingly painful.
Awww, so sorry for your loss. What a cute puppy he was.
I am so sorry for your loss. Rocky was blessed – surrounded by family, by love. Deepest sympathies at this time of sadness for you and your family. Tears in heaven.
Sorry for your loss. She sounded like a great dog.
My condolences. Losing a dog is tough.
The loss of our pets leaves an unimaginable void in our lives and hurts like no other pain.
I offer my deepest sympathies at the loss of this beloved companion of humans and canines in the Jacobson household.
Dogs do go to heaven: of this I am certain.
R.I.P. Rocky
* SIGH * Dogs are the best people I know
My wife and I love our little girl (no, she's not human), I feel your loss.
It's hard to find the words for the loss of a great dog….but you did a nice job. You have my sympathies.
May you find comfort in your many memories and solace in your friends. They leave such a big hole in our hearts when they leave us, don't they?
JoAnne and the Cardigans
I'm so sorry! A very sad day.
Such a perfectly delightful tribute on such a sad occasion! Yet, it is a fitting and proper remembrance, as one can't imagine a Border Terrier going for the maudlin oblations.
I am so very sorry for your loss.
My sympathies.
"Lord, please make me the kind of person my dog
thinks I am."
Dogs are proof that there is a God, He loves us, and he wants us to know what true love, loyalty, and devotion is. God Bless you and keep you safe- Rocky will be waiting for you.
Condolences from a family that counts itself lucky to have 2 terriers, one also 17. They're a plucky lot. I hear there's an endless supply of tennis balls in dog heaven….
Condolences, Professor. I lost my Fuzzy (see avatar) last year, and I had this poem by Kipling cremated with her.
"She did not know that she was dead,
But, when the pang was o'er,
Sat down to wait her Master's tread
Upon the Golden Floor,
With ears full-cock and anxious eye
Impatiently resigned;
But ignorant that Paradise
Did not admit her kind.
"Enter and look," said Peter then,
"And send you well to speed;
But, for all that I know of women and men
Your riddle is hard to read."
Then flew Dinah from under the Chair,
Into his arms she flew–
And licked his face from chin to hair
And Peter passed them through!"
Good bye, Rocky! I miss you very much,
You have the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen. You had a happy life and now, rest in peace…
I am so very sorry for your loss.
Oh, my… I'm sorry to read that. Condolences to you and your family.
I am so sorry to read about this, Professor. I went through this a few years ago with Greta the cat and it is still painful to recall. I wish I could offer something other than condolences.
I'm sorry to read about Rocky. My condolences.
its not clear that this is your dog or not by the post. but sorry to whomever owned him. sounded like a good dog.
Of course this really just means that God wanted to play with him.
A life well lived, indeed. Condolences, Professor. I could care less if a human dies. I really don't much care. But Dogs break me up. It's the only time I cry.
Condolences on Rocky's passing, dear sir.
I want to extend my most sincere sympathies to you and yours…Rocky was not a pet but a member of the family.
One of the toughest things I ever did was put my cat Basil down after 18 years…rips at you …but at least Rocky is in a better place.
My heart goes out to you and your family for the loss of Rocky. There is nothing that can compare to unequivocal love of a furry member of the family. They are God's precious gifts to the human race.
I lost my cat at the end of April. He too was 17 years old. Someone told me that cats and dogs are really furry angels, but it hurts when they are called back home.
Sorry to hear that. Hope everyone's doing all right considering, and at least Rocky had a good life.
I am so sorry for your loss.
Seventeen years giving and receiving love
is a good run. But it's never long enough.
It's especially sad losing a dog that grew up with the kids.
So sorry to read about the loss of your friend. I always find this small poem from Jimmy Stewart a reminder of the role our beloved pets play in our life:
Rest in peace.
Just one week prior to your loss, Jazz Shaw at Hot Air wrote about the passing of Mr. Basset on May 11th:
The last dog I had (Mugsy, fka Muzzy) lived to be 17 years old too and it tore me up when I lost her! The best thing to do is share their little stories with the rest of us who've been through it. Thanks for doing that. They are the purest little souls and I always think they must go visit St. Francis when they are finished here.
My heart goes out to you and your family. Losing a pet . . . it's hard. I recommend a couple beers, a box of photos of Rocky, and hours remembering his happy life and missing his bouncy love (he just looks bouncy in that photo, that happy bouncy kind of dog that always makes one smile and feel loved). Of course, you could always have wine instead, I guess, but the photos and remembering part . . . they're key.
My wife and I lost our beloved Rottweiler "Baron" a week ago. We both feel for your loss. God Bless you and Rocky's memory.
Any time you get 17 years with a dog, you've been blessed. And when God finally calls you (hopefully not for a long time), He'll make sure Rocky is waiting for you.
It'll take time, though, Professor. We lost our inherited Maltese "Jasper" right after Labor Day. We still miss him, even though we've since added a wild and crazy fun guy (via rescue) since then, tagged "Joe Paw" (do you get the idea that I live in a Penn State household?).
Take care and thoughts for all.
I have a feeling Rocky picked a fine family to grace with his affections while he was here.
Condolences on your loss.
My sympathies on the loss of your pet. If when they go at an advanced age, it still seems as if it is too soon.
My condolences.
My late father had a pessimistic temperament for most of his life. I was amazed by his change after an abandoned dog adopted him.
My sympathies to you and your family Mr. Jacobson. My wife and I lost our 23 and a half year old cat, HiRise, this past November and we miss her terribly. Rocky's pic looks like that of a dog who lived a life in full.
Put my beloved Champ down 7 years ago after 19 years of love that only a devoted dog can give.
My heart aches for you and your family
Sorry you lost Rocky, Bill. I've gone through the grieving process many times myself. God Bless you, your family, and Rocky. This may provide some comfort. chuck
My sincere condolences. I've lost 3 "best friends" in the last 3 years, the oldest lived to 19 years.
You were lucky to have him for so long.
And he was lucky to be so loved.
Condolences :-((
don't know if you have ever heard of the Rainbow Bridge poem. It sure brought some comfort to my boys when the first dog they ever knew passed on a few years back.