Supporters distract from Benghazi with familiar Hillary narrative and an animated GIF

Hillary Clinton continued to get the meme treatment this week with columnist Zerlina Maxwell‘s posting of a series of GIFs, or animated pictures, that instruct how to deal with “mansplainers.”

The GIFs used footage from the Benghazi hearings to take emphasis away from the content of the hearings, instead overlaying a familiar talking point her followers love to recycle, that Hillary has to deal with the fatiguing idiocy of men throughout her life.

You may recall that in 2012, Hillary got the meme treatment with the short-lived but highly trafficked “Texts from Hillary” site. That site, as I wrote at the time, focused on Hillary’s calm and cool, businesslike manner to further her image as someone you wouldn’t mind having in control.

If you’re creative and have the time or inclination, learning how to make your own animated GIF is worth the effort. or example, I made this GIF of the condescending anti-gun panelist who misreported veteran Kevin Tully’s defense of the First and Second Amendments last week using Picasion:

Have at it.

Tags: Frontier Lab, Hillary Clinton