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January 2013

The timing of the recent announcement from the Obama Administration that it would lift the ban on women serving in combat positions was fascinating. After Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's responsibility dodging and Biden-esque responses to questioning by Senators yesterday, the White House needed a distraction...

This makes things even more interesting -- via AP: Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin says he will not seek re-election in 2014. The 73-year-old Harkin tells The Associated Press in an interview, “It’s just time to step aside,” because by the time he would finish a sixth term,...

Did you know you could get an education at College Insurrection? Of course, it would be as useless as the education you get on most campuses, but at least it's free. Gender Studies is more than about sex: Men Not Allowed in Women’s Lounge at Michigan State U. Tennessee Considers...

Here we go. Saxby Chambliss will not be running for reelection in 2014: Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss said Friday he will not seek a third term next  year, expressing deep frustration with Washington gridlock that he doesn't see  changing in a divided government. Chambliss, 69, rejected suggestions he...

What better way to end the work week than Newt beating up on an journalist, I mean Piers Morgan. Brings back such good memories. Via Hot Air, Newt suggesting that gun control hearings be held in Chicago: ...

The Democrats are really good at it. They target Republicans early on for the strategy of crazy which was successful against the Tea party movement, a consistent blogosphere and media attempt to create a deadly public perception of a rising Republican star. We've seen this already in The “crazy-ing” of...

Just breaking.  Via AP: President Obama violated the Constitution when he bypassed the Senate to fill  vacancies on a labor relations panel, a federal appeals court panel ruled  Friday. A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit said  that Obama did not...

Ace of Spades blog has posted a piece documenting the void of a Fourth Estate in America today, enjoining all of us who have been following its malpractice to do something: The media no longer hides it in their actions. They are fully fused with the...

President Barack Obama's inaugural address was an ode to big government. And, of big government entities, perhaps the most toxic to the American economy is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  However, this federal agency cannot hold a candle to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) in terms...

As things stand now, the Electoral College favors Democrats because they are all but guaranteed to win a small number of large winner take all states, such as California, New York, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, plus a coalition of hopelessly blue states. Democrats start off...

From Carroll: The small sticker didn't come out good in this pix but it says "The best things in life are Obama's". Seen in Tucson. Keep up the good work. ...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.  Branco’s  page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco  ...

So writes Caroline Glick: After participating last week in a debate in London about Israeli communities beyond the 1949 armistice lines organized by the self-consciously pretentious Intelligence Squared debating society, I can now say from personal experience that Amis is correct. The public atmosphere in England...

I recently described how San Diego citizen activists helped pass public employee pension reform in San Diego, when we approved Proposition B in June of last year by an overwhelming majority. Of course, no conservative victory can go unchallenged. And, when conservatives win clearly, opponents head...

In 2005, Prof. Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit wrote a book, An Army of Davids, about how technology had changed the equations in society so that ordinary citizens could go around the media monopoly. Just as videos of grassroots attendance at health care forums in the summer of...

Bibi Netanyahu will be Israel's next Prime Minister, by a whisker, via Jerusalem Post (h/t @TomBevanRCP): In the final count, Likud won 31 Knesset seats, Yesh Atid 19, Labor 15, Bayit Yehudi 12, Shas 11, United Torah Judaism seven, Meretz and The Tzipi Livni Party...