Update on The Elizabeth Warren File

It’s coming, really, it is.

Just not by January 3, as hoped. Figure later in January. We’ve had an epiphany as to design that will require some more work. Better to be a little late and great, than a little early and not so great.

But not to worry, if you need your fix of real (as opposed to imagined) history, take a look at Twila Barnes’ five most popular posts set forth in her 2012 Year in Review:

The 5 Most Read Posts -1. A Letter to Elizabeth Warren2. Elizabeth Warren’s Ancestry Part 13. Bam! The Last Nail in the Coffin on that Old Story4. Email from a Warren’ Supporter5. Elizabeth Warren’s Ancestry Part 2

Also, I’m glad Legal Insurrection made the Top 5 Traffic sources for Twila’s blog.  As you know, Twila and her team did some of the foundational genealogical and family research which revealed the truth about Elizabeth Warren’s lack of Native American ancestry and cast serious doubt on her supposed “family lore”:

Traffic came from -1. Google2. Direct (no referring site)3. Legal Insurrection4. Facebook5. Breitbart

Wishing Twila and the many others who spoke up for the truth a Happy New Year.

Tags: Elizabeth Warren