Utah-04 is in Love

I’m not getting overly confident, but this is encouraging, Latest poll: Mia Love pulls ahead of Jim Matheson in 4th District race:

Saratoga Springs Mayor Mia Love has overcome a double-digit deficit to overtake Rep. Jim Mathesonin Utah’s hotly contested 4th Congressional District, the latest Deseret News/KSL poll shows.Love, a Republican, now leads the six-term Democratic congressman 49 percent to 43 percent. Dan Jones & Associates found that among registered voters, 36 percent definitely favor Love, while 13 percent lean her way. The poll showed 31 percent definitely voting for Matheson and 12 percent leaning toward him. Eight percent are undecided.Jones surveyed 414 residents in the 4th District from Sept. 26 to Sept. 29. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percent.”She is really coming on,” pollster Dan Jones said.A Deseret News/KSL poll that Jones conducted in June had Matheson leading Love 53 percent to 38 percent.

In desperation, Matheson supporters and left-wing publications like Mother Jones are attacking Love’s family, trying to make the case that they came here illegally and Love is an Anchor Baby.  That attack does not hold up, but how ironic that to try to damage Love Democrats are using supposedly racist terms like Anchor Baby and attacking alleged illegal immigrants.

That will backfire.  Matheson is an Obama-supporting phony moderate in a Republican District.

But this race is not over.  There is a lot of Democratic money flowing in for Matheson.

Please donate to Love.

Tags: Mia B. Love, Utah-04 2012