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Utah-04 is in Love

Utah-04 is in Love

I’m not getting overly confident, but this is encouraging, Latest poll: Mia Love pulls ahead of Jim Matheson in 4th District race:

Saratoga Springs Mayor Mia Love has overcome a double-digit deficit to overtake Rep. Jim Mathesonin Utah’s hotly contested 4th Congressional District, the latest Deseret News/KSL poll shows.

Love, a Republican, now leads the six-term Democratic congressman 49 percent to 43 percent. Dan Jones & Associates found that among registered voters, 36 percent definitely favor Love, while 13 percent lean her way. The poll showed 31 percent definitely voting for Matheson and 12 percent leaning toward him. Eight percent are undecided.

Jones surveyed 414 residents in the 4th District from Sept. 26 to Sept. 29. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percent.

“She is really coming on,” pollster Dan Jones said.

A Deseret News/KSL poll that Jones conducted in June had Matheson leading Love 53 percent to 38 percent.

In desperation, Matheson supporters and left-wing publications like Mother Jones are attacking Love’s family, trying to make the case that they came here illegally and Love is an Anchor Baby.  That attack does not hold up, but how ironic that to try to damage Love Democrats are using supposedly racist terms like Anchor Baby and attacking alleged illegal immigrants.

That will backfire.  Matheson is an Obama-supporting phony moderate in a Republican District.

But this race is not over.  There is a lot of Democratic money flowing in for Matheson.

Please donate to Love.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


Henry Hawkins | October 2, 2012 at 10:19 am

$ done $ for the third time. Matheson’s defeat is a big get.

I picked up on this the other day.

Matheson’s supporters and Mother Bones have really proven Schaidle’s First Law:

“It’s different when we do it”.

On another blog about this a few days ago, several Collectivists were soberly assuring Love supporters (see how well that works?) that we were racists.

You cannot make this stuff up!

Several noted that they watched the RNC coverage and saw no minorities. Now how could THAT happen, BSnbc?

Orrin Hatch is approaching 80 and has said he will not seek another term after he is reelected next month.

Suppose Love wins and holds the seat. If Hatch serves out his full term, Love will have served five years in Congress when the race to succeed Hatch gets going in earnest.

If Love keeps going the way she’s started, she could well be the favorite.

(But, as our host has noted, she has to get into Congress first. Some of the money flowing to Matheson may be intended to snuff out Love’s star before it can emerge.)

    Ragspierre in reply to gs. | October 2, 2012 at 10:46 am

    Oh, for certain! The Collective is MOST threatened by people like Love and West, who fly directly in the face of the old racial victim group dogma of the last 50 years.

    They reserve their most toxic venom for people like Love.

It’s only racist if Republicans do it.

Henry Hawkins | October 2, 2012 at 11:17 am

All aboard the Love boat! Ever’body sing!

Love, exciting and new
Come aboard, we’re expecting you
Love, life’s sweetest reward
Let it flow, it floats back to you

Love Boat soon will be making another run
The Love Boat promises something for everyone
Set a course for adventure
Your mind on a new romance

And love won’t hurt anymore
It’s an open smile on a friendly shore
It’s love
Welcome aboard
It’s love!

MaggotAtBroadAndWall | October 2, 2012 at 12:08 pm

Make no mistake, Democrats are targeting West and Love for defeat SOLELY because of their race.

No Democratic presidential candidate has ever gotten less than 85% of the black vote since the ’64 Civil Rights Act became law. In fact, the average is around 88%-92%. I’ve seen estimates that Obama got as much as 97%, but I think more people believe the real number is closer to 95%.

As I’ve said before, if blacks ever decide to make their vote more competitive so that Democrats have to actually earn their vote rather than take it for granted, so that Democrats could count on getting “only” 60%-65% of the black vote in national elections, electoral dynamics in this country would be turned on it’s ear.

Democrats have a huge stake in maintaining their near monopoly on the black voting bloc. They must present the Republican Party as not a viable alternative for blacks. What better way than to portray them all as racists? But if black role models like Love and West break through and win and get re-elected as Republicans, that entire strategy fails. So Democrats are gong to send money, volunteers, and organization to defeat the black Republican candidates. It’s a priority to defeat them BECAUSE they are black.

Democrats have built their party around racial identity politics rather than ideas. It is essential to keep those races and special interests in the fold for electoral success.

Everytime I see Mia on TV, I fall in Love just a little bit more.

“All ya need is LOVE.” Beatles

Have been donating since earlier this year (I believe I donated to her in her primary). Just donated last weekend (payday); will do so again next payday (15th).

She’s great! Hope she drives her opponent into the ground.

    Henry Hawkins in reply to barbara. | October 2, 2012 at 4:16 pm

    Me too. Matheson is one those weathervane slimeballs:

    Congressman Matheson, what’s your position on ___________ ?

    What would you like it to be?

The last month in this race, Dems will throw everything they have at Love. They have to. Her presence in Congress destroys their narrative that Repubs are anti-women, anti-black.

It’s pathetic how easily the party of tolerance justifies racism and misogyny in order to serve its political ends. This race puts the definitive lie to any notion that the left protects women and minorities.