Supporters of Scott Brown taunted as “field” and “house” blacks

First it was union members being fined for not picketing for Elizabeth Warren.  Then it was Warren supporters taunting a gay staffer with Scott Brown’s campaign.

Now black supporters of Scott Brown have received the sort of racially based taunts that we have seen directed in the past at Republicans and Tea Party members who are black.

Via Boston Herald (emphasis mine)

A group with the startling moniker “Obama Supporters for Brown” showed up in Dudley Square yesterday — and were hit with an apparent racist slur from a group of Warren backers — while organizers acknowledged they were paying modest “per diems” to homeless people and others to wear the T-shirts in an area where civic leaders have come out strong for Elizabeth Warren.Benjamin Thompson, 65, a former city elections commissioner under former Mayor Raymond L. Flynn — who recently endorsed Brown — is running “Obama Supporters for Brown” out of a storefront on Blue Hill Avenue.“We want to let black people know that they actually have an option. This state is controlled by the Democrats to the extent that before we came here on Thursday the Warren office was closed every day,” Thompson said….Last night, people held Warren signs across the street from the Brown campaign office, and one shouted: “You know those field people and those house people. This election is about that.”Thompson, who is black, commented, “Sometimes it gets nasty.”The man, holding two Warren signs, refused to identify himself. Warren’s campaign condemned the man’s statements….

Tags: Elizabeth Warren, Scott Brown