The Boston Globe decided to run profiles of Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren this week on the eve of the hotly contested election.
The Globe ran a glowing puff piece about Warren, a tribute to Warren’s progress in overcoming obstacles real and imagined (mostly imagined, as anyone paying attention knows). The write-up featured a warm, loving photo of Warren, her husband, and Golden Retriever:
The Globe could not help but mention Warren’s Cherokee controversy, as well as the bizarre claim by Warren that she was the first nursing mother to take the New Jersey Bar exam, but mostly the Globe gave “profile in courage” treatment to Warren, as it has for months.
What did the Globe do for Brown’s profile?
The same author who tried in vain to cover-over Warren’s ethnic fraud for The Globe, penned a major piece titled Modeling years gave Scott Brown an early boost, which started as follows:
It was approaching midnight inside a throbbing Studio 54, New York City’s nightclub extraordinaire and nocturnal epicenter of excess in the 1980s. As bartenders naked to the waist filled goblets of champagne, club cofounder Steve Rubell, famous for plucking favored guests from the surging crowd outside, was showing off his latest “pick.”His name was Scott Brown. But Rubell, who recognized the 22-year-old Massachusetts man, who had recently won Cosmopolitan magazine’s 1982 “America’s Sexiest Man” contest and posed nude for its centerfold, promptly dubbed him “the Cosmo boy.”
Included was a 10-photo spread:
Here’s how two Democrats (journalist and former Cambridge City Councilman Jim Braude and state senate candidate Mara Dolan) and described it in this clip:
Braude: Speaking of, well, it’s women we’ll get to in a minute. Did you see the Globe front page story about Scott Brown as a model at 22 today?Dolan: I saw it, didn’t read the whole article.Braude: Well I read the whole article and looked through all the pictures and virtually everyone with whom I’ve spoken says that it was a total hatchet job. Not the quality of the writing, that Sally Jacobs great writer, did a great job.Why with thirteen days to go do we have a story about him as a model, including quotes from him like about how he likes to satisfy women. He has the heavy [inaudible]. This is from what he said thirty years ago. He didn’t commit a crime thirty years ago. He was a young man, who was really good looking and making money. Is that not totally inappropriate?Dolan: Yeah. It’s totally inappropriate. It shouldn’t be held against him that he was a model. There’s nothing wrong with that.Braude: Ok, well, fine. I thought there was a longer discussion.
The Globe does everything it can to excuse Elizabeth Warren’s history of false representations as to her ancestry, practicing law without a license, representing big corporations even when contrary to the interests of the little guys Warren champions, and proclivity for self-aggrandizement which reaches clinical levels.
The Globe’s latest hatchet job for this fake Indian is just another example of why trust in the mainstream media is at an all time low.