Republicans mount attack against election fraud within Chicago

A group of Cook County Republicans have had it with the election fraud and Democratic machine politics of Chicago. They’re mounting an effort to fight back in one seemingly small, but in actual fact quite powerful, way.

An effort led by suburban mom Sharon Meroni to fill every empty Republican election judge position in Chicago and Cook County (there are separate election authorities) would thwart politics-as-usual, in which Democrats typically fill the empty Republican positions. The deadline to apply is Thursday, September 27. Rebel Pundit reports at Breitbart:

This marks the first time ever, or that anyone can at least remember, that every polling place in one of the country’s most corrupt counties will be manned with a “real Republican.” Typically in the past, the deadline for judges to apply passes and the remaining spots are filled with more Democrat judges, leaving one party in control of hundreds of poling places without any check and balance against irregularities and fraud.

The position, which pays $170 for the day, is open to anyone who lives in the county; you can apply via the Cook County GOP website here.

Tags: Election Fraud