With the world collapsing around us, it’s more important than ever that we not forget about holding the House. Please check out the House races including on the Operation Counterweight final list and consider a donation today.
This is the last post in our focus on the Upstate New York races. As mentioned before, Upstate NY is critical to holding the House, as several seats were gained by Republicans in an otherwise blue state in 2010. There also are good chances to flip one or two seats away from vulnerable Democrats.
As before, these analyses were prepared by a Cornell student who wishes to remain anonynous.
In New York’s new 25th Congressional district (Rochester area), Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks faces 13-term incumbent Democrat Louise Slaughter.
As an incumbent, Slaughter (who recently turned 83) has never faced a challenger who received more than 45% of the vote and Brooks seems to be giving her the first truly competitive race of her career. In light of this, it’s no surprise that Slaughter has decided to go negative against Brooks. A simple Youtube search for “Maggie Brooks” brings up a number of negative videos.
With regard to public debates with Brooks, Slaughter’s campaign has refused most of the debate invitations, whereas Brooks has agreed to all of them. Slaughter seems accustomed to dictating the terms of her elections.
Reliable, updated polling information appears yet to be released.
Check out Brooks’ campaign website and consider making a donation.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
The reason Louise has never had a serious challenger is that the majority of voters in her district would happily vote for Josef Mengele if he ran as a democrat, no matter who his challenger was.
Maggie is popular, though, partly because she used to be a local news reader and partly because she has done an actual decent job as county admin. But much of her popularity is in the suburbs, which (mostly) lean republican, whereas the city of Rochester is solidly on the left.
Disclosure: I grew up in Louise’s district, then moved east, out of her district. Thanks to weird redistricting, it looks like I’m back in her district and I’m very unhappy about that.
I support Maggie but I’m not optimistic about her chances. She DEFINITELY can use all the help she can get.
I sent my contribution in from here in California. I hope LI’s operation has a positive impact on this week’s highlighted races.
She sure could use the help, Slaughter had a gerrymandered district which was solidly left of center, although I don’t know what her district looks like now. Problem is she’s been in office for over a generation, and Rochester has a lot more people on fixed incomes, and a much larger population dependent upon Big Government, than 25 years ago.